Mercury Meltdown: Revolution


WiiChat Member
Feb 4, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Wii Online Code

Anyone here bought this game yet and i cant even find it in the game stores as well... its like they dont have it in stock or never got them in yet too.. its only $19.99 too and its a fun game also.. imma try again tomorrow to see if they got it.
i was going to really soon, but i unfortunately got in a car accident so i wont be spending money on games for a while.

im still looking forward to owning this game, over 100 levels for 20 bucks? thats a good deal if u ask me.
I rented this game a couple of months ago as it was released reletively close to release over here in AUS.
I liked it, it's fun, addicting, definatley challenging and worth the budget price.
In the US, this game and Victorious Boxer was suppose to be release a few days ago, but no store seems to carry it nor do they even have a clue when it'll arrive. Its like the frickin twilight zone or something :p....
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yeah they dont have it in stores yet... neither both of them.. i bought the mecury meltdown revolution on ebay and ill prolly get it next week.
Well if we go by Best Buy's date, Mercury Meltdown isn't even released until the 27th (next saturday). And Victorious Boxer is on the make matters worse Guitar Hero 3 in on the 28th, and Battalion Wars 2 is on the 30th! Then less than 2 weeks later we get the next wave of releases...Mario Galaxy, Geometry Wars: Galaxies, Umbrella Chronicles, Soul Calibur Legends!

And yes I'm getting all of them :D. I'm gonna be pretty broke by the time this all ends....:crazy:
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yeah there all good games like crazy and im getting half of those games too.

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