Connection Help

Midnite_Vulture said:
Also, it should be noted that my Wii is from the second batch. I've been hearing that only LAN adapters from Nintendo are the only ones that are compatible with the newer ones. Also, this is what the error code says.
Yeah I had the same issue, I called tech support and the Big N told me that on the Nintendo brand LAN adapter would work. I was skeptical since it sounds like a blatant scam to get you to buy their model, but sure enough when I got it, the Nintendo adapter worked. Interestingly, neither of the two will work through my router, but Nintendo's did work through my modem. Sounds like I just need a new router, but at least Nintendo isn't just straight up lying about it.
can access weather and news, but not store

MY wirless connection says successful during set up tests. I can get into weather and news, and they are updating. I am also able to send emails. When I try to access the store it says there is no connection to the server. To top it off, it worked last week when I downloaded some nes games. Strange. I've made no changes to the router since then, it just stopeed working. I've tried everything I can think of - reset router, checked all settings, added MAC address to router. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Error 32004

Hi, I'm new here so sorry if this has already been covered previously.

Is anybody trying to connect their wii to the internet using a LAN adapter but they have a mac instead of a PC? We have a D-Link DSL-502T router that is plugged into our Mac but for some reason it's not connecting the wii to the internet!

it passes the connection test but then i keep getting error code 32004 - unable to perform the wii system update.

I'd appreciate any help I can get as I'm about to throw this thing out the window! :mad5:
Problem - pretty unique situation

Okay, I'm a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer with about 7 years of IT experience, and this problem is vexing me unlike any other I've experienced.

Situation: error code 52230 when trying to connect my Wii wirelessly through my Linksys WRG54G router (in gateway mode because I have a server).

Problem - my Wii USED to connect just fine when it was just my wireless router in play giving out DHCP addresses. But, since then I've put in my own home network on a different subnet, and put the Linksys router in gateway mode to allow DHCP pass-through (turned off DHCP on the router itself, naturally).

So, my server hands out IP addresses on the 172.16.x.x/16 network - here's the kicker: my PS3 and my laptop BOTH connect to my wireless and get IP addresses from my DHCP Windows server WITHOUT A PROBLEM. I can download anything and browse anything from either machine. They are in the same room, so it's not interference.

What I've tried:

1.) Put my wireless router in mixed mode - G only won't even allow the Wii to get an IP address

2.) Different channels - again, EVERY other wireless device in my house connects no matter what I change the channel to, except the Wii.

3.) Turned on the SSID broadcast to see if the Wii even sees it with auto-detect. IT DOES, and it even allows me to connect to it - testing the connection - AGAIN - fails. The signal is full with all green. There is only ONE other connection in my neighborhood showing up in the auto-detect, and it's an orange strength, so it shouldn't be interferring whatsoever.

4.) I watch my DHCP server while the Wii connection is testing, and IT GETS AN IP THAT I CAN EVEN PING WHILE IT'S TRYING TO CONNECT!! So, I changed the DNS settings in the Wii to see if it's external resolution issues - nadda

WTH??? The Wii used to connect in my house, and now it doesn't while everything else does. I'm at a loss for words, and I wish Nintendo would've done a better job with this. Now I see lists of devices and routers that aren't compatible with the Wii, but NONE of my devices nor my router is on any list.

I emailed tech support, and they told me to call in. I don't think they're going to help me. Can anyone here assist a disgruntled Wii owner? I was able to download the Weather Channel prior to these changes.


error code 205927

have u guys heard of error code: 205927 when you try to log in to the wii shop channel and then it says to type your user name and password. right after you register is when the error code: 205937 shows what should i do and what does it mean?
This may sound silly, or even obvious. I was geting the 51330/31 codes for a month every time I tried to test the connection. I tried all of the advice... channels, filters, firewalls, b versus g versus mixes mode, I tried both static and dynamic IP, flashed the bios, and tried both secured and unsecured network. Every time I tried to set the connection Wii saw my network router (wt54g v5) but refused to pass the test. To make a long story short I ACCIDENTLY reset to defaults, and used the auto secure feature. Entered all of the information into Wii, lo and behold I was finally connected. Lessons learned... I have no earthly clue what setting was the issue since I tried changing every setting but since gaining connectivity I have set everything to what I had previously... security, static IP, mixed mode, SSID disabled, MAC filters, etc.

My advice to anyone getting these horrific codes is to break your network back to basics and start over, really it doesn't take too much time to set back up.

Good luck!
i0n said:
If you are experiencing error code messages when connecting to the Wii Online service then post your info here for others to help.

Please explain your problem in detail including your setup configuration and the error code you are receiving.

Thanks (please not all other threads on this topic will be closed)
i just got my wii and connected to the internet and the next day i went to add friends and it told me to configure the internet options to add a friend heres my code"4200-7884-7466-6963"username is"e",is there any hope out there?
Has anyone fixed the 52140 error? The Nintendo Support site is filled with a bunch of obvious advice so it was no help. I'm using the Nintendo WiFi USB Connector. At first I was getting the error 52040 then 51340 and now I've been getting 52140. I got it to work once but after that just errors.
Rush said:
ERROR220602. This error code comes up when I try to get into the users agreement. First is says that if I want to use the wii channels and shop. I say Yes, Then is say's that I have to review the agreement, then I press next. It try's to get into the internet but the error code pop's up. I tried intering it on the error code-custumer service, but it says it's can't be resolved. Can someone Pleaze help me out.
Thank you.

I am having the same error with the same troubleshooting issues. Have you found a way to resolve it yet?

UPDATE: I forgot to mention that I am using the LAN Adapter. So its a wired connection to a Lynksis router (BEFSR41). All of the other people in this forum getting this error seem to be using Wi-Fi.
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Error 52140

Sodje said:
Bump same here :smilewinkgrin:

Ive had a Wii since they where 1st out in the UK and have always wanted to get online, can anyone help, I'm convinced that its because im using Aol, but its really frustraiting, I Keep getting the error code 51420-51422, ive bought a Wi-fi Usb connector and now also a LAN wired connection, and guess what tried both and still every time i try a CONECTION TEST nothing same error codes ARHHHH

Ive turned off the Widows Firewall even uninstalled the Norton Virus software and still nothing, with the Wi-fi it saw the connection but then just came up with the error,

Many thanks ahead Adam

I got the same problem do u solve it?PLease help me...Thanks
Error Code 51330

I having a working 802.11g network with several computers on it. I'm trying to get my wii onto the network and get error code 51330...any ideas?
have you found an answer, yet? error 51330 is giving me nightmares
4-6 computers successfully running on the Linksys 802.11 router; but, not the wii...should I enable port range forwarding?
We have a Linksys WRT54g wireless router, i have enbabled mac filtering and configured the wii manually, using the correct gateway, dns servers, etc. have tried enabling and disabling the firewall, all with no help, i have tried assigning many ip addresses within my range, and am still getting 52130 error, has anyone else experienced this?

EDIT: Does 64 bit and 128 bit encryption matter at all? that is about the only thing i havent tried changing...
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