
Think of it as this way:
Q. At this present of time would I want a 360 rather than a Wii?
A. Of course, 360 is way better than the Wii right now

Q. In 6 months time will I want my Wii back?
A. Yes of course, with all the really good games coming out.

So..... dont sell it :)
Always look to the future man. :) Living in the here-and-now can be good...but sometimes it can hurt you later on.

I'll just take what I do and use it as an example, tennis. Say I train really hard to adapt to the kids in 14 & under. They don't hit that hard, I learn to beat them all, so my game is now based around the strength of the other player. Then I move up into the 16 & under (they crush the ball) and I can't use my previous game plan because they hit too hard. Now I start falling down, down, down to the bottom of the ranking system. What good is it to get amazing at beating kids in the 14's, when you have no chance with Pro's?

Sry if that didn't make since, but I know that you like tennis and all I thought i'd give it a shot. :)
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ssbb_lover said:
Unfortunately, I don't think this will be able to happen. Nintendo announced that online play is going to be "regional" or somethin', as in you can only play within the boundaries of your continent/country.

That sucks :O I hope that isn't true, that will just make the online even worse :(

Squall7 said:
Also, I'll get to play Wiired, being also from the UK!

I look forward to it :D:cool:

IceTrash said:
Think of it as this way:
Q. At this present of time would I want a 360 rather than a Wii?
A. Of course, 360 is way better than the Wii right now

Q. In 6 months time will I want my Wii back?
A. Yes of course, with all the really good games coming out.

Exact reasons why I'm gonna sell, then buy again later. Why spend 6 months letting the Wii gather up dust, when I could sell it - still being able to get a profit, and buy it again later when I can get it cheaper and stil be able to play these amazing Wii games? That's how I see it - and I feel that's how I'm gonna stick :) I still love the Wii and everything, but it's just not getting played currently, and I know when the likes of Galaxy come out, I'll be looking forward to get again, which to sound gay, was a good feeling back in August waiting to find the stupid release date amiright? :)

ssbb_lover said:
Always look to the future man. Living in the here-and-now can be good...but sometimes it can hurt you later on.

I'll just take what I do and use it as an example, tennis. Say I train really hard to adapt to the kids in 14 & under. They don't hit that hard, I learn to beat them all, so my game is now based around the strength of the other player. Then I move up into the 16 & under (they crush the ball) and I can't use my previous game plan because they hit too hard. Now I start falling down, down, down to the bottom of the ranking system. What good is it to get amazing at beating kids in the 14's, when you have no chance with Pro's?

Sry if that didn't make since, but I know that you like tennis and all I thought i'd give it a shot.

Haha I love Tennis :D different scenario I'm afraid buddy :) if I was in that situation, 'cause I'm doing badly I'd have passion to improve, which would motivate me, whereas with video games it's a different story - it's simply just playing a game with some friends/or on your own. And tbh, I really didn't wanna sell the Wii, thinking I wouldn't have it again. But when I realised I would be able to get it again with money I'll be getting, I was rather happy :D 'cause games now I'm not all that fussed by (cept Zelda but even that hasn't been played ina while - stuck :( :lol:) but in the future, I will be, so it'll give me something to look forward to :D and then online will be all working, loads of updates for it to fix it up, and everything will be working great (touch wood), and Brawl will be on the market by the time I get it again - perfect methinks.
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Apologies for double post, but this is another thought at a different time :) also the fact that the internet on my Wii was playing up, meaning that I wouldn't be able to play online til it was fixed. So when I get my next Wii, I'll be able to afford for some bloke to come over and fix the connection :D

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