
i actualy sorta agree with you wiired. im starting to think id be better off with a 360 than a wii, but i realy want the new kirby game and ssbb. But i rarely get to play dead rising. (BEST GAME EVER!) and i want it so bad. ive also been disapointed with the wii, or more specificly i thought it to be better.
Wiired keep your Wii until SSBB, Galaxy and Metriod come out. When those come out and you still are bored of your Wii then something is seriously wrong and you should sell your Wii. Just be patient, it'll be worth it.
Well Wiired, YOU HAVE TEMPTED ME! I love live but no job. How much 360 in Aus? I don't like your plan that much, in my situation. Nobody will buy your Wii. And if they do, you will get like 200 dolz. I have no job so hard to get money so when i got my Wii, it was part of my Xmas gift from my mum. I just can't sell something like that! Plus, when the "Game Drought" is over, there will be heaps of cool games to get! But in the time of the "Game Drought" you save up everything you can. I saved up for about 6 months to get a Wii. No body is touching it! lol :).

Is it just me, or did that sound like a huge flame?
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  • #49
Wow, this threads had a whole new pages since I was last on, thanks everyone :D I'm currently at this post: so this post by me may be edited.

ssbb_lover said:
And so I will.

Listen, dude. I'm a Nintendo fanboy and i'm going to debate against you on the side of the Xboxers.

I'm not informed on the selling of units, all I know is nextgenwars said 9.[something] million; that doesn't mean anything.

GoW isn't an FPS...not even close. In case you didn't know, FPS means First Person other words you're looking through the eyes of your character. Tell me, is this 'FPS'?
Sorry enough to say, i've never seen GoW gameplay till I watched that vid....that game looks incredible

360 doesn't have 2 games online, go to your local store. Look at the games. How many say "Xbox Live" on them? And as many as you count, that's not even all of them. Wii doesn't have any online yet, and even when we do get it, it's gonna suck (unfortunately); but it'll sitll be awesome to kick online SSBB ass. :devil:

Don't you come up with your so called 'facts', because I believe that 'facts' that are made up are called fiction....?

I'm sure Sovieto is surprised seeing me stand up for the 360....but Wiitendo, you're an extremely biased Nintendo fanboy. At least i'm an incy bit fair.

Sure I don't love you :) :lol: always been cool witchu dude, and you're putting things into the true perspective, even though you may love Nintendo, you're saying what's true even if it's not what you/others here would want to hear. I respect that :) and they're practically most of the other reasons I want a 360. And don't worry, by Christmas I'll be pwning you at Brawl :) when I'll probably get a Wii again :D
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  • #51
Right, let's put this into perspective of my plans. This time I want you guys to read 'cause some are getting confused or seeing my plan as stupid when really imo it's win win situation. Well, I'm currently not playing my Wii at all right? So I'm thinking, I'll sell it to get a 360. I can sell my Wii on eBay, for just over about £300, and buy a 360 off there for about £200, leaving £100. That £100, I'll be able to put away for my holiday, in which I won't have to save my pennies for in the future. Then, in September, I will begin getting £30 a week from my school for staying on at 6th form, and with the Wii being cheaper on eBay then (due to stores having it in stock), onlines up and running, and all the fan-effin-tastic games that I want like Galaxy, Brawl etc.. all out, some maybe even slightly cheaper on eBay, I'll be able to buy a Wii then in the coming weeks, meaning I won't miss out on any of the fun games, and I'll also have some great games on the 360, which I can also play almost all of them with friends. I really can't understand why that's not sucha good idea with some people :) :lol: 'cause I understand, yeah I might be unlucky and not sell my Wii for £300, etc.. but say if everything goes right, then I don't see how I'll lose out - 'cause it'll also give me something to look forward to, just like with the countdown to getting the Wii initially :)

Also respect to everyone who's posted here - means alot. Namely to Sov, Squall and ssbb_lover for backing up your arguments and standing your ground - love you guys (no homo) :D
and to comments from likes of IceT, bubba, dan99iel etc.. - ta for your points.
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HAHA! Your ug
Mario's crotch shot! lolz
Sovieto said:
resident evil and silent hill are just as dark, if not darker, probably provide less color than gears, but yah gears has awesome color environments too
I would have to disagree there. Whilst they do generally have a dark hue, there's still plenty of colour in the Resident Evil series. For example, The police station is quite blue. Jill has blue clothing quite a bit. Brad Vickers in Resident Evil 3 has a yellow jacket on. There's plenty of colour on nemesis, ranging from scary purples, to a kind of pastey yellow for skin. Ada's always in her red little number and Ashley sports a little yellow and green.

Likewise, Silent Hill uses a lot of Fog for effect - it's not particularly dark normally, until the other dimension (or whatever the scarier place is). Then there's plenty of reds on screen, simulating blood. Also, James (from the second game) sports a green jacket. Maria is also wearing red. Pyramid head uses a combination of black and a sick kind of yellow-ish hue.

Not that I have much to compare them against except the video itself, but I thought I'd just point out that there's plenty of colour in Resident Evil and Silent Hill (But moreso in Resident Evil).

i never heard about a mic coming
Yep. It is. Not sure who will utilize it most. Although the God-awful High School thing from Disney will have it. *shudders*
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Squall7 said:
I would have to disagree there. Whilst they do generally have a dark hue, there's still plenty of colour in the Resident Evil series. For example, The police station is quite blue. Jill has blue clothing quite a bit. Brad Vickers in Resident Evil 3 has a yellow jacket on. There's plenty of colour on nemesis, ranging from scary purples, to a kind of pastey yellow for skin. Ada's always in her red little number and Ashley sports a little yellow and green.

Likewise, Silent Hill uses a lot of Fog for effect - it's not particularly dark normally, until the other dimension (or whatever the scarier place is). Then there's plenty of reds on screen, simulating blood. Also, James (from the second game) sports a green jacket. Maria is also wearing red. Pyramid head uses a combination of black and a sick kind of yellow-ish hue.

Not that I have much to compare them against except the video itself, but I thought I'd just point out that there's plenty of colour in Resident Evil and Silent Hill (But moreso in Resident Evil).

Yep. It is. Not sure who will utilize it most. Although the God-awful High School thing from Disney will have it. *shudders*
but you havent played gears, =] gears dose have a lot of color
i think my point is still valid about gears having more color, but this is stupid anyways, eh?
resident evils are dark, if were talking about RE1, basically the only thing is dark except for select areas
i dont know i`ll get a 360 but i have play gears - rainbow six - pro evolution soccer and no one really get me SOOOOO interested that i cannot sleep (i had play live! xd)i`m just saying that gears of war is great but not what everyone says =S so if you ask me, keep it

but thats your choice
Farid said:
i dont know i`ll get a 360 but i have play gears - rainbow six - pro evolution soccer and no one really get me SOOOOO interested that i cannot sleep (i had play live! xd)i`m just saying that gears of war is great but not what everyone says =S so if you ask me, keep it

but thats your choice
you have to get good first
i first played it at my friends house and thought it was okay, i thought all the blood and stuff was cool and the way you play it was cool, but then once i bought it for myself it turned into the thing everyone hyped it as
Sovieto said:
you have to get good first
The same can be said for any game though, especially one online. If you're really good at something online, you're compelled to play on to preserve your reputation/status as gaming Guru.

Also, to be able to fight against somebody that plays it to the extreme, you have to play it to the extreme too. Practice makes perfect, but when you're against a perfect player, you're in need of as much practice as possible - something that may not appeal to those whom have a lot going on in their lives.
Wiired said:
Sure I don't love you always been cool witchu dude, and you're putting things into the true perspective, even though you may love Nintendo, you're saying what's true even if it's not what you/others here would want to hear. I respect that and they're practically most of the other reasons I want a 360. And don't worry, by Christmas I'll be pwning you at Brawl when I'll probably get a Wii again

Also respect to everyone who's posted here - means alot. Namely to Sov, Squall and ssbb_lover for backing up your arguments and standing your ground - love you guys (no homo)
and to comments from likes of IceT, bubba, dan99iel etc.. - ta for your points.
I think I speak for all of us when I say it's appreciated. :) Always been glad we've been tight. :D

One thing I want to point out though...
Wiired said:
And don't worry, by Christmas I'll be pwning you at Brawl
Unfortunately, I don't think this will be able to happen. Nintendo announced that online play is going to be "regional" or somethin', as in you can only play within the boundaries of your continent/country. :sad:
ssbb_lover said:
Unfortunately, I don't think this will be able to happen. Nintendo announced that online play is going to be "regional" or somethin', as in you can only play within the boundaries of your continent/country. :sad:
When did they say this? I would have thought that they would include both options of playing with people in your own country as well as playing internationally.

Also, I'll get to play Wiired, being also from the UK! :cornut:
Squall7 said:
When did they say this? I would have thought that they would include both options of playing with people in your own country as well as playing internationally.
I'll try to find it. (a thread was made on it) It's because of the online capabilities, it's not good enough to be able to connect from the States to Japan...I suppose you will be able to go a little outside the UK, but i'm talking you can't play with someone in another continent most likely.

I'll get on finding that news A.S.A.P. (in other words, an hour or 2 :D)
Also, I'll get to play Wiired, being also from the UK! :cornut:
I hate you....:lol:

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