Confirmed: No Online for Metroid Prime 3

Almo said:
well neither of you obviously were fans of the origional MP series so what makes you think your gonna like it just cause its on wii? because of the one fact it was gonna be online (which was never confirmed)? You idiots! just because a game doesnt have online doesnt mean its going to suck, now i might need ciper to back me up here but IMO nintys wii online servers are still not up to scract enough to handle an online FPS, did you not hear about the crash in Europe when MSC went online? if nintys servers crash from a simple soccer games then imagine whatll happen with an FPS, personally id rather have a decent single player than having a half assed single player and glitchy lag filled online multiplayer!
well talk to ninty for making a good system crap online
callme.nasty said:
are you really that stupid? did you even read my post? "adventure first person game= lame online multiplayer"- yeah, if you have lazy, uncreative developers. you can make a freaking online mode out of everything if you know what you're doing. put some time into it, and creativity as i said, and you can make a good game out of it. throw some stuff in the multiplayer mode that wasn't in the single player mode- thats all you have to do. quit being so ****ing ignorant. if you don't want to play multiplayer, thats your choice, but these developers could atleast give us the option.

I bet if you whine some more like a little child Nintendo will add some multiplayer in MP3.

And Kev if I give you one more chance do you think you can spell my name correctly?
callme.nasty said:
so don't play it. when you have an online multiplayer, along with single player, you have options. go ahead and play your single player mode, i bet you'll want to play some multiplayer afterwards, if not, you'll just throw the game aside and never play it again. specifically, if you're talking about MP3, then no, its not forcing multiplayer in. forcing in something would be when you hardly have enough time to make the game, and you try to cram in too many gametypes. MP3 is a whole different story. they could've made MP4 by now.
How do you know they could have made a fourth by now? You cant know how long programing takes, or how long the game is yet.

You still have options. Buy this game for single player, or buy another for both single and multiplayer options.

I have replayed Metroid Prime 1 and 2 hundreds of times and havent craved mutlipayer at all.

Forcing something in can also mean putting in something that doesnt fit. Metroid Primes 2 multiplayer showed the Prime series doesnt suit multiplayer. The DS version did due to the way it was set up and the different beam turn this ment the single player wasnt as good.

Metroid is about adventure, not shooting the hell out of everything like Halo.
Almo said:
personally id rather have a decent single player than having a half assed single player and glitchy lag filled online multiplayer!

once again, they've had plenty of time to make an amazing single player mode, along with a decent online mode. do i need to say yet again how long this game has been in the making? and yeah, single player mode is fun, but you beat it and then get rid of the game. LOZ:TP, great game, but once you beat it, what's left to do? Metroid will end up not even having as good a single player mode as LOZ and then it won't have multiplayer. what have these guys been doing the past two years with this game?
kevbomac05 said:
well talk to ninty for making a good system crap online
lol why me? im perfectly fine not having online yet, the time will come soon enough, obviously you kids havnt learnt patience yet :wtf: get off your high horse (thats an expression incase you didnt know) and accept the fact that maybe ninty aimed thier best FPS (i.e. Metriod) towards thier more avid fans who accually understand how good a single player FPS adventure game can be, there are plenty of other FPS's for the wii and more will be comming that will be online for you kiddies to play.

do i need to say yet again how long this game has been in the making?

what 2 years or so? IMO thats standard now and id expect nothing less.
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Jay61 said:
How do you know they could have made a fourth by now? You cant know how long programing takes, or how long the game is yet.

because it only takes a little more than a year to make a game. plenty of games come out at the same time every year. granted, they build upon last years edition, but they still have to redo a lot of the game. MP3 has been in the making for over 2 years, so they could've released one when the wii came out, like it was supposed to, and they could've had another one out by beginning of 2008 if they wanted to.
I have replayed Metroid Prime 1 and 2 hundreds of times and havent craved mutlipayer at all.

how can i take you seriously when you exaggerate this much?

Forcing something in can also mean putting in something that doesnt fit. Metroid Primes 2 multiplayer showed the Prime series doesnt suit multiplayer. The DS version did due to the way it was set up and the different beam turn this ment the single player wasnt as good.

would you like to re-read my 5 posts again, where i stated how long this game has been in the making? thats not forcing...

Metroid is about adventure, not shooting the hell out of everything like Halo.

ok, how about online multiplayer campaign mode... there you ****ing go, same game, except you can play along with someone else. i officially have more creativity than all of you.
Almo said:
lol why me? im perfectly fine not having online yet, the time will come soon enough, obviously you kids havnt learnt patience yet :wtf: get off your high horse (thats an expression incase you didnt know) and accept the fact that maybe ninty aimed thier best FPS (i.e. Metriod) towards thier more avid fans who accually understand how good a single player FPS adventure game can be, there are plenty of other FPS's for the wii and more will be comming that will be online for you kiddies to play.


what 2 years or so? IMO thats standard now and id expect nothing less.
kiddies dude easy dude im 15 and first of all onlines not for kiddies okay easy dude ur startin to piss me off
kevbomac05 said:
cool buddy stop trying to treat me serisoly maybe you can stop tryin to ur kinda failing tryin to look cool
I'm not trying to look cool. I'm challenging you on your view that online play is essential.

Besides, when has the guy that's kicked your ass looked cool in your eyes?!

"Wow, he looks soo cool. I just hope I don't make him uncool by bleeding on him".


ur startin to piss me off
Ye, doesn't really have the same effect on the internet does it...

@callme.nasty, do you really think they've been sitting on their asses all day saying "I'll do some more work after I finish watching Days of our lives"?

callme.nasty said:
there you ****ing go, same game, except you can play along with someone else. i officially have more creativity than all of you.
Yeah, cos bounty hunters always have a sidekick...

You have a vivid imagination, not creativity. If you had creativity, you could come up with an idea that games don't take a set amount of time to make - only when they feel fully completed should they be released. Polish is the term Retro Studios used. Very Polished. - Which is the game I will be going back to time and time again.
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callme.nasty said:
LOZ:TP, great game, but once you beat it, what's left to do?
Weeeeeeeeeell, I'm still getting all those damn bugs, hearts here and there still need getting too...not that I'll ever get round to it as I still ride around for fun doiing nothing other than shooting birds with I could do that for hours. Got it on launch day btw
callme.nasty said:
Metroid will end up not even having as good a single player mode as LOZ and then it won't have multiplayer. what have these guys been doing the past two years with this game?
Well, over coming the Wii's bold new control method obviously took a while, theres ALOT of pressure on Metroid to get the new control method right and to set the bar on shooter controls.

Theres planning stages, design and so forth. Larger environments have been made, better textures than Prime 2 have also been generated, so redoing them. Effects have been redone also, as well as Samus new suit, which are always very important...your character needs to sell it. Ideas for beams, visors, worlds etc. as well as concepts made for each.

Oh yes, sorry I forgot that only takes around an hour doesn't it. I've made 20 games since writing this you know.

The thing is with Metroid (the same with Zelda) they take longer because more polish and care are put into them than most other games.
Squall7 said:
I'm not trying to look cool. I'm challenging you on your view that online play is essential.

Besides, when has the guy that's kicked your ass looked cool in your eyes?!

"Wow, he looks soo cool. I just hope I don't make him uncool by bleeding on him".


Repped for being cool.
kevbomac05 said:
kiddies dude easy dude im 15 and first of all onlines not for kiddies okay easy dude ur startin to piss me off
lol you pissed me off long ago by being so short sighted, and your 15, as far as i know 18 is voting age and anything under that is a kiddie
Squall7 said:
I'm not trying to look cool. I'm challenging you on your view that online play is essential.

Besides, when has the guy that's kicked your ass looked cool in your eyes?!

"Wow, he looks soo cool. I just hope I don't make him uncool by bleeding on him".


Almo said:
lol you pissed me off long ago by being so short sighted, and your 15, as far as i know 18 is voting age and anything under that is a kiddie
im so short sighted okay im open to anything its u little nintendo fanboys who are brainwashed or are too poor to buy a 360 or ps3, because thats where its at, online is what u remebmer
kevbomac05 said:
im so short sighted okay im open to anything its u little nintendo fanboys who are brainwashed or are too poor to buy a 360 or ps3, because thats where its at, online is what u remebmer

I bought a ps3, 360, and wii on their release days.

Oh and I have a drivers license. Good Game.

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