Confirmed: No Online for Metroid Prime 3

im not scared of being banned oh wow banned of a little nintendo account it takes 45 seconds to create a new acoount shut up
kevbomac05 said:
umn they never release games online and that is where u will keep coming back and playing, and everyone needs shutup i made a statement and if i wanted to be in school i still mess around i get fs but anyways im not 10 im 15 so shut the hell up
So, you've not Heard of Pokemon Battle Revolution then? Nor Mario Strikers Charged?

How about for the DS? There's tonnes of online games on there.

Oh, and what makes people come back to play them years after is how they're built, not if they happen to be online.

Grammar is neccessary to be taken seriously, even on here.

Oh, and have you ever heard of an IP ban?

One last thing. I never even brought up your age. Sign of deception perhaps?
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Squall7 said:
So, you've not Heard of Pokemon Battle Revolution then? Nor Mario Strikers Charged?

How about for the DS? There's tonnes of online games on there.

Oh, and what makes people come back to play them years after is how they're built, not if they happen to be online.

Grammar is neccessary to be taken seriously, even on here.

Oh, and have you ever heard of an IP ban?
lol took the words right outta my mouth dude, your on a roll today, and yes how theyre built is a huge factor, i mean last time i checked pacman,mario bros and LOZ were never online
hurr hurr hurr how dare Nintendo, even thought Retro Studios is making it...hurrrrr nintendo!!!!1
Almo said:
lol took the words right outta my mouth dude, your on a roll today, and yes how theyre built is a huge factor, i mean last time i checked pacman,mario bros and LOZ were never online
last time i checked mario was pacman was never online wow ur lame ur living in the past buddy i dont know if u know but it is 2007 there should be some type of online included in about 90 percent of games, ya who wants to play pokemon online ur cool thats lame i want a shooter online on the wii it would be cool but i have a 360 and im buyin a ps3 so eat that
to anyone who thinks it would be too difficult to make this game online/ wouldn't make for a good online multiplayer mode- are you ****ing serious??!! do you realize they have delayed this game nearly a year? by the time this game comes out it will have been in the making for most likely over two years. you don't think they could've put in a god damn online multiplayer mode? "oh, even if they had multiplayer, it'd be garbage." HAVE SOME ****ING CREATIVITY! you don't need to take the exact same single player mode and throw in some other players. you can add other weapons, other guns, different game types. nintendo sucks, and they're developers are ****. all i see is ports, ports and more ports. now the ports will finally die down and we'll see a bunch of gimicky games, no online mode, and a bunch of shitty graphics. here's to throwing away $300.
callme.nasty said:
to anyone who thinks it would be too difficult to make this game online/ wouldn't make for a good online multiplayer mode- are you ****ing serious??!! do you realize they have delayed this game nearly a year? by the time this game comes out it will have been in the making for most likely over two years. you don't think they could've put in a god damn online multiplayer mode? "oh, even if they had multiplayer, it'd be garbage." HAVE SOME ****ING CREATIVITY! you don't need to take the exact same single player mode and throw in some other players. you can add other weapons, other guns, different game types. nintendo sucks, and they're developers are ****. all i see is ports, ports and more ports. now the ports will finally die down and we'll see a bunch of gimicky games, no online mode, and a bunch of shitty graphics. here's to throwing away $300.
hell ya man heres some rep
kevbomac05 said:
last time i checked mario was pacman was never online wow ur lame ur living in the past buddy i dont know if u know but it is 2007 there should be some type of online included in about 90 percent of games, ya who wants to play pokemon online ur cool thats lame i want a shooter online on the wii it would be cool but i have a 360 and im buyin a ps3 so eat that
Your post made no sense so I'll pick out what I can..

Mario wasnt online, nor was Pacman, bar scoreboards etc.

We're all aware its 2007

Who says online should be forced into everything? I sure as hell don't want that.

Many MANY people want to play Pokemon online, hense the high sales in Diamond/ Pearl and PBR.

Generic shooters make my head asplode, there are too many as it is.

You want us a PS3? They work as grills, we can eat stuff offa it...but I can't see us eating a whole PS3. Theres that advert with the PS2, but they're smaller than the PS3...
Jay61 said:
Who says online should be forced into everything? I sure as hell don't want that.

so don't play it. when you have an online multiplayer, along with single player, you have options. go ahead and play your single player mode, i bet you'll want to play some multiplayer afterwards, if not, you'll just throw the game aside and never play it again. specifically, if you're talking about MP3, then no, its not forcing multiplayer in. forcing in something would be when you hardly have enough time to make the game, and you try to cram in too many gametypes. MP3 is a whole different story. they could've made MP4 by now.
callme.nasty said:
to anyone who thinks it would be too difficult to make this game online/ wouldn't make for a good online multiplayer mode- are you ****ing serious??!! do you realize they have delayed this game nearly a year? by the time this game comes out it will have been in the making for most likely over two years. you don't think they could've put in a god damn online multiplayer mode? "oh, even if they had multiplayer, it'd be garbage." HAVE SOME ****ING CREATIVITY! you don't need to take the exact same single player mode and throw in some other players. you can add other weapons, other guns, different game types. nintendo sucks, and they're developers are ****. all i see is ports, ports and more ports. now the ports will finally die down and we'll see a bunch of gimicky games, no online mode, and a bunch of shitty graphics. here's to throwing away $300.

Metroid = Adventure First Person game

Adventure First Person Game = Lame online multiplayer.

Please god get rid of your wii so you stop posting here :(
kevbomac05 said:
last time i checked mario was pacman was never online wow ur lame ur living in the past buddy i dont know if u know but it is 2007 there should be some type of online included in about 90 percent of games, ya who wants to play pokemon online ur cool thats lame i want a shooter online on the wii it would be cool but i have a 360 and im buyin a ps3 so eat that
I repeat, you're an idiot.

Goldeneye. Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Perfect Dark. Road Rash 64. Final Fantasy VII, VIII and X. Those are games I go back to time and time again. They aren't online, and they don't have to be.

What you're describing is a game that makes you feel better for wasting so much of your time "pwning noobs".

You want a shooter, fine go get one. I want something else, as does most people on here. You don't seem to be on the right forum here.

Once again. I have to use the word idiot. So
kevbomac05 said:
shut the hell up
callmenasty said:
to anyone who thinks it would be too difficult to make this game online/ wouldn't make for a good online multiplayer mode- are you ****ing serious??!! do you realize they have delayed this game nearly a year? by the time this game comes out it will have been in the making for most likely over two years. you don't think they could've put in a god damn online multiplayer mode? "oh, even if they had multiplayer, it'd be garbage." HAVE SOME ****ING CREATIVITY! you don't need to take the exact same single player mode and throw in some other players. you can add other weapons, other guns, different game types. nintendo sucks, and they're developers are ****. all i see is ports, ports and more ports. now the ports will finally die down and we'll see a bunch of gimicky games, no online mode, and a bunch of shitty graphics. here's to throwing away $300.
And you're some kind of programmer? Ex-programmer? programmer in training? You even had experience programming a game of such high calibur as Metroid Prime 3? That's all very well and good in theory. However, some people actually want a decent playing experience, not the bare minimum of "it'll do".

so don't play it. when you have an online multiplayer, along with single player, you have options. go ahead and play your single player mode, i bet you'll want to play some multiplayer afterwards, if not, you'll just throw the game aside and never play it again. specifically, if you're talking about MP3, then no, its not forcing multiplayer in. forcing in something would be when you hardly have enough time to make the game, and you try to cram in too many gametypes. MP3 is a whole different story. they could've made MP4 by now.
Bull. You're not a games developer and wouldn't know how long it takes to make a game. I'm not either, but at least I can actually wait from good games to come, rather than bitching about making them as fast as possible. Remember, quality, not quantity.

Oh, and by the way, there's still games from the NES era that I crack open once in a while, let alone from this generation. If a game is good, I will play it again. If it's crap, even with online, I won't play it.
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well neither of you obviously were fans of the origional MP series so what makes you think your gonna like it just cause its on wii? because of the one fact it was gonna be online (which was never confirmed)? You idiots! just because a game doesnt have online doesnt mean its going to suck, now i might need ciper to back me up here but IMO nintys wii online servers are still not up to scract enough to handle an online FPS, did you not hear about the crash in Europe when MSC went online? if nintys servers crash from a simple soccer games then imagine whatll happen with an FPS, personally id rather have a decent single player than having a half assed single player and glitchy lag filled online multiplayer!
Squall7 said:
I repeat, you're an idiot.

Goldeneye. Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Perfect Dark. Road Rash 64. Final Fantasy VII, VIII and X. Those are games I go back to time and time again. They aren't online, and they don't have to be.

What you're describing is a game that makes you feel better for wasting so much of your time "pwning noobs".

You want a shooter, fine go get one. I want something else, as does most people on here. You don't seem to be on the right forum here.

Once again. I have to use the word idiot. So
cool buddy stop trying to treat me serisoly maybe you can stop tryin to ur kinda failing tryin to look cool
vagrant said:
Metroid = Adventure First Person game

Adventure First Person Game = Lame online multiplayer.

Please god get rid of your wii so you stop posting here :(

are you really that stupid? did you even read my post? "adventure first person game= lame online multiplayer"- yeah, if you have lazy, uncreative developers. you can make a freaking online mode out of everything if you know what you're doing. put some time into it, and creativity as i said, and you can make a good game out of it. throw some stuff in the multiplayer mode that wasn't in the single player mode- thats all you have to do. quit being so ****ing ignorant. if you don't want to play multiplayer, thats your choice, but these developers could atleast give us the option.

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