Component cables for 480p?


WiiChat Member
Sep 20, 2007
I assume my TV will play 480p.. its a 65" rear projection CRT HDTV 1080i. Who has the cheapest comonent cables for the wii and does it also help the older games look better? They look pretty jagged and not so clear. I remember my Super NES looking much better and not through component cables either. Thanks for any input. I just bought my Wii today!
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I picked up the Nyko cables for pretty cheap. The length is right and my cables probably dont have to be super great for 480p. I also picked up a 2gb SD card. Hope im making wise purchases :scared:
yea Nyko has some pretty good quality stuff so you probobly did good with those and what kind of 2gb SD card did you buy? and how much was it? i got my sandisk for wii 2 gb SD card for just 20 bucks, because i think gamestop was having a sale
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I got Patriot 2gb SD card. It was 17.99 plus 5$ shipping. Two of the reviews I read on newegg had guys using it on their Wii with no problems.

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