Wii from 480i to 480p converter


WiiChat Member
Jan 30, 2009
I have bit of a problem

My Wii is connected to my HDTV Projection 51" TV with the Component cable
My TV only supports 480p and 1080i input, I know its not brand new ! and it does not have HDMI or VGA input either, it only has Component connections

Problem is when I play games that are not 480p supported the Wii switches to 480i and then my screen becomes all fuzy and unviewable, when I exit the game the Wii comes back at 480p and everything is fine, all the games that do support 480p all run 100% fine.

So my question is..is there a cheap way to upscale/convert the Wii signal to a minimum of 480p with some sort of adaptor or upscaler without changing my TV or paying over 400$ for a Pro converter
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Well I would reply to someone on the forum if ppl would reply to me....over 90 views and 0 responses....come on, there is a way I'm sure
jeez im sorry no one has responded to you, this isnt solid information but I would hope the component cable would be backwards compatible with 480p
if you can get a picture somehow go to your wii settings and change the resolution of your wii see if that does anything or if it is infact possible to select 480p while using components
nothing will be able to add data (pixels) to a game that isn't there. you wont get a scaler that turns 480i into a solid (pseudo) 480p signal.
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I understand the fact that if the lines are not there they won't be there...

What I mean is that there are upscalers out the that do upscale a signal up to 1080p..

Like the one created by Sony that is displayed in this link


What I'm trying to find out is a similar gizmo that could produce a 480p output without paying more than the worth of the Wii :)

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