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i hate you brawny! stop stealing my reps! and you owe me you bastard! i reped you like 11 points! :mad5:
Dang... I'm have alot of reps but they dont count cause I get repped by n00bs..... Can you fix that please? I help them out they rep me but its gray.....
Grrr....if it was anymore...... let's just say BOOOOOMMMMM

lol. can you just up the pointage of those reps? Can you do me??????? lol.
Brawny said:
Grrr....if it was anymore...... let's just say BOOOOOMMMMM

lol. can you just up the pointage of those reps? Can you do me??????? lol.
lol yeah im over being repped by noobs and not having it count! btw brawny im sure you owe me too!
dude like 50 people owe me for all their bars....hello pay it forward
The_Loose_Cannon said:
dude like 50 people owe me for all their bars....hello pay it forward
lol im tryn jill but i cant :( lmao im gettin growld by brawny cuz apparantly your his gurl lol, but hey im not after ya, i just luv ya :p !
The_Loose_Cannon said:
dude like 50 people owe me for all their bars....hello pay it forward

I repped you back last night for helping me get to within sight of three bars, and being a good moderator ;), thanks alot for that :D !
lol thats alright :) atleast you tried almo and dont worry about brawny. he needs to stop with the leg humping or else hes gunan get sprayed with the water bottle again :lol:

and eagles thank you very much <33
Eagles said:
I repped you back last night for helping me get to within sight of three bars, and being a good moderator ;), thanks alot for that :D !
lol repped ya mate!

lol cheers jill, lol awww poor brawny dont like the water :lol: reminds me of diago off iceage 2 lmao
The_Loose_Cannon said:
dude like 50 people owe me for all their bars....hello pay it forward

Hey, why you drop me?

and I have given more bars than you have :p

I have more points available too. I just can't give it to ya.

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