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only super mods can view others reps and who gave the rep. regular mods cant see anything except their own rep (not even who repped them) :(
Mitch2025 said:
only super mods can view others reps and who gave the rep. regular mods cant see anything except their own rep (not even who repped them) :(

bwahahah thats why you IM me asking who repd ya! dont hate :lol: i know youre jealous! got screwed mitch.

Jill came in here and totally screwed the system over....(in terms of how long you had to be here until you got power)

Prez as well. He joined in what....October and is now the most powerful reg mod here? (along with you of course)
well prez just kinda left so really im the most powerful regular mod (in terms of sections i mod lol)
I still don't QUITE understand jill's sudden promotion.

How much did she REALLY help you guys? Probably no where near the amount that I have reported. (saying she did more, just in case you read it the wrong way)

oh, since I have you....can you get these at all? Jill's away from AIM atm.

<<Checks his re (first time for a while)
Whats with all this damn grey rep

And Losse can cheat at rep no wonder her and brawny have loads

Meh rep is silly any way
actually jill can only edit the comment. she cant edit the actual rep points. she was gonna give herself a crap load just to see what people would say but it wouldnt let her lol
LMAO..... She threatened to delete all of mine ^_^. Good to see it's an empty one.

And BTW....@ prinny. She would much rather hurt me than help me in rep...'

Ha ha, you are the staff's little snitch to the rest of the community. Seems Jill likes to push the boundaries of moderation. :lol:
Wow, this discussion has come up in every thread related to rep (and some that are not)

checky da profile to see my real-time status:

Brawny you smell
Me and Loose were the first to get 2 bars when i0n changed it. Then you come speeding up lol. You doing enhancement dugs or something lol. Damn cheaters
LMAO...nuh uh...

I was with you guys just the same.

I think It was me, you, Jill, and Rach. We made it to three all on the same day.

Then I wrote some tuts, Jill was made Supa, and life went on..
BTW - I will catch you up Brawny, I will beat you to the 10th block over time! Trust me..

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