Hey my clan!

Hey guys check out my other thread if you want to join my clan and you can be any level! check it out!
hey i added ya my friend code is


By the way where you on call about 2 days ago i think i fought you i go by the name agent puggy hee hee later
I added every code in here. I have all of you now on my list so please add my code if you have not already!!!

Hey guys. Just got MWR yesterday.
I'm lvl 27 right now and lookin for friends to play with. Private or not.
My FC's on my sign.
Also, if you're lookin for a clan my friend has a new one.

Thanks guys.
if you add me plz add me to my friends list so i know and if i add you to my friends list i already add you to my ssbb thanks so now my code is 2407-5892-3403
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add me my code is 437175839448 ive added all of you if i invite you to a cage match we should take it in turns doing headshots so we can unlock golden guns