COD MW Reflex friends codes

Yo, WiggiTy here. Xbox 360 vet 10th prestige to both cod4 and mw2. Now on the wii! my friend code is 394623354766. WHEN YOU ADD ME, SEND EMAIL TO w/ your code and I WILL add you. No pending codes here, if you do not email me your code, I will not add you. I have been playing solo hardcore team death, kd ratio of 1.20 and climbing. Looking for some players to share some kills with. DO NOT ADD ME FOR ANY GAME OTHER THAT COD MW REFLEX. I DO NOT PLAY ANYTHING ELSE ONLINE! Hope to be murkin out wit you guys/gals in the future! Peace
hey guys just wanna let you know I would like to boost to get golden guns i will boost with ANYONE as long as your up for it if you dont know boosting is where you meet in a map and shoot eachothers heads so you can get golden guns if you would like to do this DO NOT MESSAGE ME SEND ME AN EMAIL. my email is Ty my Fc is in my Signature
call of duty modern warfare reflex [wii]

hey everybody does any body no how to send saved data from the wii to an sd card pm if there is away thanks

namez sharinmara its also my uesrname in cod mw reflex, i'm lookin for sum clans/online play/friend codes, mi code is 537529429945,wats urs?
is there a bunch of retards here or what?

I don't know why its so hard for people to actually READ something and understand it!! When you send someone a friend request on the WII the other person has to enter your wii code too! Nothing pops up on their wii saying they have a friend request. If all you people are going to do is post your friend code and not respond to anyone in a CORRECT manner soyou can actually have some people to play with. Then I am glad all the idiots on here I am killing online on the opposite team. You people are stupid! I feel bad for all of you who can't grasp a simple concept of how something works. Definately don't want any of your kind on my team.
cod5 friend codes

my friend code is 283751848116leave me ur friend codes and il add you i play cod4 to im waiting for it to get back to me il start a new thread when i get it and if u have and clans to join let me know:wiiconsole:

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