everyone here add me my friend code is 164901902464 and my screen name is Vendetta
Hey whats up everyone add me on mwr my friend code is on the page before this i added all of u add me

I know glitches:ciappa:
if u are tired of playing call of duty world at war then add me i play everyday and i record everyday so u might get famous
Hey my friend code is 483435706957 i added most of u already so adddd me so we can play ohh and its for cod mwr
Cod reflex players

add me my fc is 340572544975 hurry up ill add anyone who plays cod reflex message me your fc
add me for moderan warfare relex for wii

hello. all my freind play on ps3 and i dnt have one, so if you can add me and we can game it up that'd be great heres my freind code, and my email.
FC:374754881883 Emai:letzgus40@yahoo.com i really wanna play with someone i could get to know. :yesnod:
i have the same problem everyone i know plays xbox 360 and i dont have one send me a private message if u add me

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