Classic versus GC controller

hey, i would just buy a cc because if you ask someone who has a GC if you can borrow their controler, thats what i did and they said i could keep it :D :D :D
Gamecube controllers are butt ugly. I wont ever buy one. It looks like it was designed for a retarded child. So the classic Wii controller doesn't work for Gamecube games? What a shame!
Gamecube controllers are the most comfortable things out there. I'd take it over a 360 one any day. Also, how would you expect the classic controller to work with Gamecube games? The wii is essentially a gamecube when playing those games so no signals from the wiimote are registered. Seeing as how the classic send signals through wiimote over bluetooth, I don't see how you would think that Classic could ever control a GC game. Wow that was longer than I expected. Sorry for the rant.

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