
Lobstermobster said:
and have any of you seen the divinci code. well if you have. then you know jesus wasnt ****. and they proved it.
ive read the book and saw the movie. it was a great book and movie but in no way did it disprove anything. its a FICTIONAL book/movie. the author of the book even said so. i dont understand why people read the book or see the movie and base it on truth. also i dont understand when people say they believe in evolution because its been proven. if it was proven then it wouldnt be called a theory. yes about 30 years ago some scientists "recreated" what they thought was the atmosphere of primitve earth and were able to create amino acids but it has since been proven wrong
Lobstermobster said:
oh by the way. christians really are stupid. they dont even know the truth about ****. try telling them jesus was black (which is a 100% possibillity givin the geographic location ofall that nonsense). and have any of you seen the divinci code. well if you have. then you know jesus wasnt ****. and they proved it.
1. Religious profiling, brilliant. I'll have you realize that almost every single President of the United States has been one form of Christian or another.

2. Jesus was not black. Back in biblical times, blacks only really lived in african places. Jesus was middle-eastern.

3. Everything is 100% possiblity. I could tell you that the penguins are planning to invade Canadia for its rich maple syrup deposits and since you can't disprove my statement it's a possiblity.

4. The DaVinci Code proved nothing. It says "This is fiction" when you open the book.
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  • #48
Jesse said:
You said you were raised a catholic, therefore you should understand why some christian's fear GOD. If you want understanding revert back to the time you considered yourself catholic, without forcing your present beliefs on them. Now you can have your understanding.

All in all you have some very valid points, however they can be false to another. Some people only see what they want to see. It's all in the eye of the beholder.

Be neither For nor Against, and then you'll have your understanding!

Actually, in the Catholic church, you don't have to fear God 24/7 because all you have to do is go to confession and you're clean. =)

But my point was why people would WANT to live in fear of something? That's just stupid. It's like someone going 30 mph in a 40 mph zone because he/she fears a cop might pull him/her over, (which at least makes some sense because we KNOW police are real). Personally I find that being a good person because you want to be, not because you fear some big fat **** immortal being in the sky, allows you to live a much better life.

Squall7 said:
I don't really have a set 'belief'. I go more of the "Dogma" (Kevin Smith reference) way and have 'ideas'. Makes it much easier to change, and it allows for a greater range of perspectives than a single belief structure.


Bulldogxx831 said:
Let's just settle this once and for all. I am the Messiah of all religon.

But seriously, it's better not to talk about religon. Some people are very sensitive about that and you could end up losing some good friends.

I don't have good friends on here to lose yet.
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Here're my thoughts on this whole thing.....

Religion is okay, but a Cult isn't. Double-standard? I think so. They're basicly the same thing.

Here's one about America. We're suppose to have freedom of religion and seperation of church and state, but yet you have to go through a church to get married. Hmmm...Kinda stupid.

There's nothing about Gays in the bible. It just says marriage is between a man and a woman, but hey, it didn't say whether physicly, or mentally. What if one of the gay men is in the mindset of a woman?

Bible is all about understanding, yet religions that follow this book and other forms of it cast out Gays. Hmm....

Now. You know how stories go. People tell it and pass it down, but as it goes down the line, it changes over time. And there is NO WAY to know how much the Bible was changed as it went along, yet it was spose to be a sin to change ANY wording in it. Kinda funny.

If there is a God and a Satan, then they are there to counterbalance each other, so they're both not bad at all. They just dislike what the other does ;) Satan sounds more fun to me :p (jk, I really don't care on this one..)

And here's a good one....I don't see how one religion can be the right religion, when there have been hundreds of old religions in the past. Have the Deities died out slowly? If so, God must be about to fade out.

Man made God.
A living god created by man, what blasphemy!

Ah Neon Genesis Evangelion... Fantastic series, with great biblical references. As far as the aftelife is concerned, theres a pretty good chance I'm heading to hell. If that's where all the heavy metal bands are going, as well as evil alcohol (probably that cheap wine) and whatnot, hell might not be so bad...

Better tell the grandkids to put a rocket launcher in my coffin though, might need it for some final cleaning up when i get there :p
Ezekiel86 said:
As far as the aftelife is concerned, theres a pretty good chance I'm heading to hell. If that's where all the heavy metal bands are going, as well as evil alcohol (probably that cheap wine) and whatnot, hell might not be so bad...
Of course Hell gets all the cheap alcohol, drugs, and whores; it's Hell. But then again, it is Hell, so you'll probably be forced to look but not touch for all eternity...
Ezekiel86 said:
A living god created by man, what blasphemy!

Ah Neon Genesis Evangelion... Fantastic series, with great biblical references. As far as the aftelife is concerned, theres a pretty good chance I'm heading to hell. If that's where all the heavy metal bands are going, as well as evil alcohol (probably that cheap wine) and whatnot, hell might not be so bad...

Better tell the grandkids to put a rocket launcher in my coffin though, might need it for some final cleaning up when i get there :p
ahh, hollywood hell. does seem kinda cool doesnt it? partys 24/7 for eternaty without a care in the world.. err hell. however the Biblical hell isnt like that. satan does not rule it. it was originaly made for satan to be punished and satan only come armagedon but it is now a place for unbelievers and it is going to be torture so horrible that there is no way to describe it.
I feel bad for you that aren't sure on this topic, not that "Oh you poor poor thing, I pity your little soul", I just mean it must feel bad not knowing where to go or what's the truth. :sick:

Listen, i'm a Christian, and I can answer all your questions (maybe not the answer you're looking for, but it's MY answer, meaning it could also be wrong).

Why is gay marriage wrong? In the Bible, it says that marriage is a holy matrimonial process between a MAN AND A WOMAN. Also, it says somewhere in Romans (and probably other places) that men and women exchanged holy relationships w/ the opposite sex, to unholy relationships w/ the same sex. This indicated that God hates gay marriage, also meaning that believers should hate it too.

Why is abortion wrong? I remember reading something about this in the Bible, not "abortion" per say, but the killing of innocent lives. See, the Bible is amazing because even though written in the times of you great great great great great, etc. grandparents, it still applies to the trouble of today. Because man is always going to be tempted for the same things, and is always going to fall into those same temptations. I believe it's wrong because if you look at this in the point of science, technically, the baby has not been born yet. But, if you actually think about it, that would have been a being like you and me, breathing, thinking. You never know if that unborn baby could have become the greatest president of the US, or an owner of a bank who donated millions of dollars to help ppl around the world. Quoted directly from you, "WHAT IF."

Why is pre-marital sex wrong? It's not because "the Bible says so", though it does, it's because God said that sex is the closest thing to heaven that we can have in this life, and that is supposed to be experienced at that day of marriage.

And if you don't believe that the Bible is true, then you can't believe these things like I can. Then i'm sure you'd ask me, "Why do you believe in the Bible?" Well, let's think. It's SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN to be true. Not that makes any difference to me, but I just want that info out there to be discussed. The predictions that have been made in it by God's prophets have all come true, and if not yet, they will. And they're not physics, "Call now and you get your prediction half off!" They were guided by God to say/write those things, so it's not man that makes such amazing these come true, it's God. Really, God could say anything will happen, because he controls what happens. He could say, tomorrow an alien will come and wipe out the human race and he could make it happen. =/ However, he didn't say that. :lol:

Also, on the subject of hell. You asked why are ppl always trying to "save" you, trying to save you from hell. Well, I had a little birdie that told me Hell isn't exactly roses and sunshine. ;) Seriously though, at the state your's probably a little scary. Hell is a place of eternal torture and oblivion, do you not want to be saved from it? Heaven = eternal bliss and togetherness w/ God/ Hell = eternal death and separation from God.

I wish I could say more....but, there's nothing more I can say at the moment.

Also, no "tl;dr"s are appreciated. >.>
ssbb_lover said:
I feel bad for you that aren't sure on this topic, not that "Oh you poor poor thing, I pity your little soul", I just mean it must feel bad not knowing where to go or what's the truth. :sick:

Listen, i'm a Christian, and I can answer all your questions (maybe not the answer you're looking for, but it's MY answer, meaning it could also be wrong).

Why is gay marriage wrong? In the Bible, it says that marriage is a holy matrimonial process between a MAN AND A WOMAN. Also, it says somewhere in Romans (and probably other places) that men and women exchanged holy relationships w/ the opposite sex, to unholy relationships w/ the same sex. This indicated that God hates gay marriage, also meaning that believers should hate it too.

Why is abortion wrong? I remember reading something about this in the Bible, not "abortion" per say, but the killing of innocent lives. See, the Bible is amazing because even though written in the times of you great great great great great, etc. grandparents, it still applies to the trouble of today. Because man is always going to be tempted for the same things, and is always going to fall into those same temptations. I believe it's wrong because if you look at this in the point of science, technically, the baby has not been born yet. But, if you actually think about it, that would have been a being like you and me, breathing, thinking. You never know if that unborn baby could have become the greatest president of the US, or an owner of a bank who donated millions of dollars to help ppl around the world. Quoted directly from you, "WHAT IF."

Why is pre-marital sex wrong? It's not because "the Bible says so", though it does, it's because God said that sex is the closest thing to heaven that we can have in this life, and that is supposed to be experienced at that day of marriage.

And if you don't believe that the Bible is true, then you can't believe these things like I can. Then i'm sure you'd ask me, "Why do you believe in the Bible?" Well, let's think. It's SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN to be true. Not that makes any difference to me, but I just want that info out there to be discussed. The predictions that have been made in it by God's prophets have all come true, and if not yet, they will. And they're not physics, "Call now and you get your prediction half off!" They were guided by God to say/write those things, so it's not man that makes such amazing these come true, it's God. Really, God could say anything will happen, because he controls what happens. He could say, tomorrow an alien will come and wipe out the human race and he could make it happen. =/ However, he didn't say that. :lol:

Also, on the subject of hell. You asked why are ppl always trying to "save" you, trying to save you from hell. Well, I had a little birdie that told me Hell isn't exactly roses and sunshine. ;) Seriously though, at the state your's probably a little scary. Hell is a place of eternal torture and oblivion, do you not want to be saved from it? Heaven = eternal bliss and togetherness w/ God/ Hell = eternal death and separation from God.

I wish I could say more....but, there's nothing more I can say at the moment.

Also, no "tl;dr"s are appreciated. >.>

You just described the Earth ;)
ssbb_lover said:
Why is gay marriage wrong? In the Bible, it says that marriage is a holy matrimonial process between a MAN AND A WOMAN. Also, it says somewhere in Romans (and probably other places) that men and women exchanged holy relationships w/ the opposite sex, to unholy relationships w/ the same sex. This indicated that God hates gay marriage, also meaning that believers should hate it too.
Of course, that doesn't really take into account the fact that the Bible was written by man. Man is infalible, and God is not. If man wrote the bible, there is an ever-present risk that what the bible says is untrue, due to man's own desires. What better way to justify a hatred than to say that God instucts me to hate.

Why is abortion wrong? I remember reading something about this in the Bible, not "abortion" per say, but the killing of innocent lives. See, the Bible is amazing because even though written in the times of you great great great great great, etc. grandparents, it still applies to the trouble of today. Because man is always going to be tempted for the same things, and is always going to fall into those same temptations. I believe it's wrong because if you look at this in the point of science, technically, the baby has not been born yet. But, if you actually think about it, that would have been a being like you and me, breathing, thinking. You never know if that unborn baby could have become the greatest president of the US, or an owner of a bank who donated millions of dollars to help ppl around the world. Quoted directly from you, "WHAT IF."
Any action we take or neglect to take is ultimately played out throughout Chaos theory. Thus we are killing others and saving others in the chain of events that leads from one decision to the next. Just remember kids, choosing pizza to eat for lunch instead of sandwiches, may just kill somebody! Also, on the flip side of the coin about the fetus potentially turning out to be anyone, it's just as likely that the person will develop to become a serial killer, political dictator or rapist.

Why is pre-marital sex wrong? It's not because "the Bible says so", though it does, it's because God said that sex is the closest thing to heaven that we can have in this life, and that is supposed to be experienced at that day of marriage.
The "God said" arguement is flawed because the bible is written by - the mediators - are men, therefore are falible and have their own patriarchal values system imposed in the bible.

And if you don't believe that the Bible is true, then you can't believe these things like I can. Then i'm sure you'd ask me, "Why do you believe in the Bible?" Well, let's think. It's SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN to be true. Not that makes any difference to me, but I just want that info out there to be discussed. The predictions that have been made in it by God's prophets have all come true, and if not yet, they will. And they're not physics, "Call now and you get your prediction half off!" They were guided by God to say/write those things, so it's not man that makes such amazing these come true, it's God. Really, God could say anything will happen, because he controls what happens. He could say, tomorrow an alien will come and wipe out the human race and he could make it happen. =/ However, he didn't say that. :lol:
How can the bible be scientifically proven to be true? How can anything in the bible be considered to be without a shadow of a doubt to have actually happened in the exact same way it says, without any things being left out?If God really makes things happen, then we have no free-will or choice. How, therefore do we deserve to go to heaven or hell if WE ourselves did not choose the path we walk?

Also, on the subject of hell. You asked why are ppl always trying to "save" you, trying to save you from hell. Well, I had a little birdie that told me Hell isn't exactly roses and sunshine. ;) Seriously though, at the state your's probably a little scary. Hell is a place of eternal torture and oblivion, do you not want to be saved from it? Heaven = eternal bliss and togetherness w/ God/ Hell = eternal death and separation from God.
One thing that doesn't ring right about the concept of hell. You're dead when you're there. Why is it such a terrifying place if you know you cannot "die" there? Surely without the nerves in your body to sense pain, you would not feel said pain. Personally, I believe there is no afterlife. There is no heaven nor hell, that people just remain in the ground. There is not pleasure or pain. There is no even conciousness. Still, not expecting anyone else to agree with me there.

I wish I could say more....but, there's nothing more I can say at the moment.

Also, no "tl;dr"s are appreciated. >.>
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  • #58
I think it's my duty to enlighten all of you and to tell you to live by the laws of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. He REALLY DOES exist; I had a near death experience and saw him.
If God really makes things happen, then we have no free-will or choice. How, therefore do we deserve to go to heaven or hell if WE ourselves did not choose the path we walk?
But we THINK we have a choice. It's a possibility that these things are decided but all in our heads its a choice. If we knew our future then we could change it. But wouldn't god see it coming. IDK too confusing back to wii golfing.
kissoff182 said:
I think it's my duty to enlighten all of you and to tell you to live by the laws of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. He REALLY DOES exist; I had a near death experience and saw him.
that is not reasonable! it should be called the Flying spaghetti MUTANT! that is the most resonable choice!

(lol funny episode!)