Catch up on ur comics


WiiChat Member
Aug 28, 2007
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Yesterday Marvel starting putting there older comics online so viewers can now read there favorite heroes or villians online....there are a few set backs cant download them and any new prints that come out u have to wait 6 months for them to be put on the web...but still i think this is cool.
Its about time Marvel steps up and does this since Drak Horse and DC both have anthologies and recent issues (not full) on there Myspace pages....well here is the article
Woah thanks for that dude!!

I love the comics but never really wanted to spend money collecting them all, plus their harder to get over here.
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oh yea 1 more thing i forget to mention...:lol: dont know how i can forget such a major issue :lol: u have to pay for it its like 9.99 a month or somethin like that.
Bliss said:
oh yea 1 more thing i forget to mention...:lol: dont know how i can forget such a major issue :lol: u have to pay for it its like 9.99 a month or somethin like that.

Ohh maaaaaaan!

Dayum.. if I suddenly get rich, then I might just try this one month.
surfinrach90 said:
Ohh maaaaaaan!

Dayum.. if I suddenly get rich, then I might just try this one month.


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