Super Ninjarator
- Apr 4, 2007
- 6,677
- 105
- Wii Online Code
- 3881-9484-9041-5848

A very familiar face here and eve if you caught this last time it is worth checking out again, for those who haven't read the title I am of cause talking about the survival horror master piece widely hailed as one of the greatest games of all times. This time round we have the definitive version rather then selected versions like last time, all features in one with the added new gameplay which I must say is a great benefit but we will get onto that a little bit later.

[size=xx-small]That's going to sting in the morning[/size]
I will begin with the story. It begins with a small video depicting a vague history of Resident Evil with a man's voice narrating, basically just telling a small history of umbrella and then you find out that Umbrella was stopped by the government and such (Check out RE:UC for details). Some nice Spanish music plays (that I happen to love currently now that I have movie browser) and a video shows a familiar face (Leon) being driven to a Spanish village by Europeans, quite a funny scene, an eerie feel (which sticks from here on in) is set once one of the drivers has a bathroom break in the bushes. They continue on and they stop and Leon is told the village is just up ahead. You here gain control of Leon S. Kennedy (Protagonist). Head up to a house, enquire of if the man has seen a pictured girl, he mumbles something in Spanish and attacks Leon, once you dealt with him head onto the village where the story really begins. The story basically revolves around Leon rescuing the presidents daughter who went missing and was allegedly spotted in a remote Spanish village. What you find there is more then quint locals going about their business, you are dragged deep into a story line which will keep you at it just to see the final cinematic. Chainsaws, grotesque creatures, gore and more to expect from the interactive cut scenes alone.

[size=xx-small]Go on, make pretty boys day.[/size]
I will swiftly move onto the new gameplay that has been implemented into the wii edition, it is the same sort of style however that shaky laser pointing system has been removed and replaced with a reticle which is normally green while normally walking around, turns grey if absolutely no need/unable to shoot at that area and red once pointed at a hostile or a breakable object which include barrels, boxes and more which are better to be smashed with the knife who just so happens to have been implemented rather well here, simply swing the wiimote to swing the knife (auto-target) or if you want to draw the knife fully (manually target + more power) hold down 'C' which packs more of a punch but your better off just knifing the simple way until needed later in the game. Running is down by holding Z. The shooting setup is exactly the same as previous apart from obvious button differences so here you hold down B to draw your weapon and point to aim then A to fire, the only time there is no reticle is when you are holding a rifle/rocket launcher/egg/grenade/nothing. The new controls definitively make the game more enjoyable and easier. All is done of cause in 3rd person over the shoulder style apart form the scoped weapons. The money system is excellently pulled off, you can find and combine certain treasures to increase value or sell alone to the merchant however killing hostile enemies will often drop money or possibly herbs or ammo. You have to purchase all your weapons (apart from a certain few...that is if you can find them). There are roughly 5 weapon categories, Handguns which are not required but you will find yourself wanting to keep one on you at all times, Shotguns which are must haves for you, Rifles which strictly speaking you don't need but will find helpful at certain points later in the games, specials which you unlock after finishing either the main game or extras, all this go along with the TMP which is helpful but isn't needed. An weapon upgrading system is also at hand and it is plentiful, you spend all that hard earned cash on making weapons, more powerful, higher capacity, firing speeds, reloading speeds and exclusives which are only available once you fully upgrade that weapon, the exclusives can range from 60'000+ very pricey indeed but there are very helpful indeed. I will now move onto the music and sounds provided in the game which I may say are very appropriate, keeps tension and anxious nous high without over doing it. The speech is often over dramatic and the enemies sounds can get repedative but the feeling of having no idea of what they are saying puts that aside as you join in shouting "a'lorelo".
Time to round off, this game is one of the greatest if not the best I have ever played, tension and action is balanced nicely as this game kind of steps aside from the normal of the franchise. The wii edition does nothing but improve the game which can also be used with the gamecube controller which reverts the sight back to laser aiming.
Story: A compelling yet dramatic story which grips you from the start till finish. 9/10
Gameplay: A vast yet simple improvement over past versions which at times can be kind of a let down such as awkward camera angles or repetitiveness in the interactive cut scenes which more could of been done in. 8.9/10
Graphics: No improvements whatsoever on the previous versions yet it succeeds in being one of the best looking games on the system. 8/10
SFX: Awesome music along with dialogue, for once in a game. 9/10
All in all I will give it a High rating of 9/10 which is definitely worth a purchase.