My Review on Resident Evil 4


The Shoke
Mar 30, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Wii Online Code
I bought Resident Evil 4 last week, and that game just made me so happy, that I just had to post a review on it.

Let me just put this out there first; the game looks awesome. The visuals are amazing. The texture and look of the clothing are realistic. The environments look so good, sometimes you will sit there and stare in awe. The guns look great, the zombies look great, everything looks great.
Capcom did such a good job on the A.I. The A.I is so realistic, that it'll have you screaming (Thats what me and my friends did.) If you knock down a ladder, one of the zombies (or whatever they are) will actually stop to pick it back up. If you are in a house trying to pick them off one by one as they come in the door, some of them will walk to the other side and actually attack you from the window. Just when you think you got'em, think again.
The game gets you very excited and it's very exhilerating. This game is for you if you like a good scare, and it makes you feel like your there, right beside Leon. Zombies will sometimes be right around the corner, and will even through things at you if you're within range. If the zombies grab you, you can shake the wiimote (or rotate the control stick) to kick their heads off, which is very satisfying. The action sequences are thrilling and has your heart beating 1000x faster. All the movements and physics of the games are well done, giving the game a more realistic feel to it.

I would post more, but I'm on my Wii right now. So to rap things up;

Graphics: Simply amazing.

Concept: Very scary and skin-crawling

Gameplay: Very simple and fun.

Entertainment: Using your guns to blow their heads off is very satifying. The whole game is a good scare begging to end.

Replay Value: Moderately high, especially considering the fact that you get to play as that sexy, bad-ass Ada.

Overall Score: 9.0/10

I'll post my full review some other time.

So, what do you think?
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the bad side: when the zombies get too close, its very irritating having to turn around, run 8 meters away, then turining around (slowly) again. The camera cant move to where you cant see behind you, which is why it didnt get a 10
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hmmmm, well if u want a different aiming experience sure. but the game dosent use much......well......wiimote elements. the only thing the game uses is its aiming and some motion-sensing action sequences. so no, dont buy it if u got it on gamecube. but if u can find 1 for 10$ or something then yea, you should get it.
Shoko said:

the bad side: when the zombies get too close, its very irritating having to turn around, run 8 meters away, then turining around (slowly) again. The camera cant move to where you cant see behind you, which is why it didnt get a 10

The quick turn solves that. Hold the Z button, and drag the analogue stick down. Leon spins around right away.
I was just about to post the quick 180 degree turn solves your problem. I agree at the moment this is my favourite game yet. I can play it for hours on end. Up to the part after loads of zombies attacking the house with that spanish guy helping. How long is the game?
I'm still not done it but I know it goes to chapter 5-3 or 5-4 or something like that. You also unlock some extra missions and stuff when you pass it. It seems surprisingly long for a game of this type.
asdfghjkl said:
cant zombies with gardening, and kitchen applienses kill you 1 hit.

No they can't, and its appliances by the way.

This game is great and I am glad I was able to buy it for $38, because I don't think I would have payed more for it.
Nice review Shoko!
I also have the game and yes you are right the controls are alot more simple, especially with the fast aiming unlike the slow aiming the PS2 and Gamecube had to offer.
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Blue Sun said:
The quick turn solves that. Hold the Z button, and drag the analogue stick down. Leon spins around right away.
Shoko said:

the bad side: when the zombies get too close, its very irritating having to turn around, run 8 meters away, then turining around (slowly) again. The camera cant move to where you cant see behind you, which is why it didnt get a 10
you know if you hold down and press z or c i cant remember, he'll do a full 180 spin its easier than turning him fully around

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