Cannon room glitch. FIX INSIDE!!! LOOK!!

Jakey212 said:
After finding out I was a victim of the Sky Cannon glitch I was about to rip my heart out. After hours on end search I have found a solution. Yes, it works. I've tested it aswell.

Items needed;
SD Memory Card (For Wii).
SD Card Reader

First off]Click Here.

Download the save onto your computer.
Then save a copy of your zelda glitched save to your memory card.
Pop the memory card out and into your computer SD reader.
Replace the RZDE File with the one provided when downloaded.
Now place the memory card inside the Wii.
Start up your Wii. Go to the Wii Section then to Download Management, Erase your normal save and then copy the save from your memory card to your harddrive on the Wii. VOILA! You dont have to start over and the cannon is at Lake Hylia already and packed for you!

The Save includes-
15 hearts, all bottles, all bomb bags, a lot of items, all bugs, most heart pieces and 45 POES.

Yours truly, Jake.

*Please Sticky*

Gaah, I've been bitten by this nasty bug as well. Your post is the only one I can find proposing a solution (other than starting back at the beginning...) But seems to be broken!

Can anyone please please please please make an copy of this savefile available elsewhere?

Thank you!
megchem said:
I could email it to you .....what's your email?

It's cool - whatever glitch Wiisave was running into seems to have resolved itself and I have the file now.

I found there was more done on the save referenced at the top of this thread than I liked - I'm trying this one now:

Many thanks guys! Much anguish saved as a result of finding this forum. :)
Jakey212 said:
After finding out I was a victim of the Sky Cannon glitch I was about to rip my heart out. After hours on end search I have found a solution. Yes, it works. I've tested it aswell.

Items needed;
SD Memory Card (For Wii).
SD Card Reader

First off]Click Here.

Download the save onto your computer.
Then save a copy of your zelda glitched save to your memory card.
Pop the memory card out and into your computer SD reader.
Replace the RZDE File with the one provided when downloaded.
Now place the memory card inside the Wii.
Start up your Wii. Go to the Wii Section then to Download Management, Erase your normal save and then copy the save from your memory card to your harddrive on the Wii. VOILA! You dont have to start over and the cannon is at Lake Hylia already and packed for you!

The Save includes-
15 hearts, all bottles, all bomb bags, a lot of items, all bugs, most heart pieces and 45 POES.

Yours truly, Jake.

*Please Sticky*
What is the sky cannon glitch???? :confused:
Pud said:
What is the sky cannon glitch???? :confused:
Quite late in the game, you come to a room with a big cannon in it. You'll know it when you see it. It's not at snowpeak. If you save the game in this room and restart there, you become stuck and can never leave the room.
There's also a glitch after you cross the bridge of Eldin (after the Goron Dungeon). If you save in the area with the bridge you can also get stuck.
im afraid of the edin one. I saved near the black portal cause i didnt feel like progressing until later. Am I going to be in trouble?
It seems like they should have fixed this glitch but I guess it is pretty obscure
there is a fix

Ok. So it's a little late, but I've been following this thread for 3 weeks now. I (or should I say my girl friend) also discovered this glitch. I hacked my wii. I enabled cheats. Killing yourself didn't get out of the room. I obtained a cheat to fly out of the room, but when you leave the room Shad still talks to you. So you can't get out of the room that way. He isn't invisible. I tried to talk to him several times. If you cheat and transform into a wolf you cannot warp. Midna doesn't let you warp when Shad is in the room, and Shad doesn't care that you are a wolf.

BUT THERE IS A FIX. I called 1-800-Nintendo and they send me a replacement disc. I popped it in and Shad is present in the room. I'm currently backing up the game to my hard drive as a ISO.

For anyone that has this problem I would recommend calling up Nintendo. The only downside is they take 2 to 3 weeks to replace your game.

I will probably be trying to upload this torrent to the community for anyone else that stumbles on this glitch. It was really an annoying glitch, and I'm glad I can have my same game with all my hearts, bottles, mini-games in tact while I finish the final 10-20 hours of game play.

So there is a fix. Nintendo will send you a disc if you call. Just tell them "Broken Cannon Room".
Hello there, I know it has been many years since this, but I wanted to thank you very much! :) But before I follow your instructions I want to write about my case...When I was in the room with the sky cannon I wrapped it as I should, but the problem is I didn't wrap it to Lake Hylia, (I wrapped it to Zora's Domain) so after this I can't find my cannon because it's not in Lake Hylia, neither in Zora's Domain...I have no problem to follow your instructions but before I do this I was just wandering if there is any simple solution I haven't noticed for my case, anyone who knows anything about this, I would be grateful if he/she would tell me! :) Thanks

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