transferring save files


40lb box of rape
Dec 8, 2007
Wii Online Code
I've seen some threads about moving save files from the wii to an SD card or to the wii from an SD card to other wiis

Hopefully this will help clear things up

Before you waste your time trying any of this, make sure you update to the latest firmware or at least up to version 2.0U (if you've updated since the Wii was released, chances are you have it).
You need an SD card to do any of this.

»Where can I buy a Nintendo Wii SD Card / What kind of SD card do I need?
Most SD cards will work just fine. The official Nintendo Wii SD Card is a bit more expensive than what you can find at Newegg or any other major online retailer. They both do the same exact thing and work the same exact way, one just has Nintendo printed on it.

»How do I backup/transfer my saves to an SD card from my Wii?
From your Wii main menu: Wii Options > Data Management > Save Data > Wii. You'll see all of your Wii saves that are currently on your internal memory. Select the save you want to backup/transfer and select 'Copy' (you need to have an SD card in).
The save is now on your SD card.

»How do I copy/transfer saved files from my SD card to a Wii?
Once you have the file in place on your SD card, you can then put the SD card into a Wii and go to your saved game(s) on your SD card (Wii Options > Data Management > Save Data > Wii > SD card tab), select the saved game that you want and select Copy. Keep in mind that if you already have a save on your Wii that you're trying to replace, it wont overwrite it, so you'll have to backup your save, then delete it off your Wii internal memory to be able to transfer the new one on.(in other words, if their is a save on your Wii of the same game you're trying to transfer from your SD card, it wont transfer. You have to create a backup of the save file on your Wii and delete it before the file will transfer from your SD card.)

»Can I share Virtual Console saves too?
Yes, but it doesn't work for all VC games. It's on a game-to-game basis.
Very helpful.

Also, welcome to the Waluigi Fan Club :yesnod:

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FRuMMaGe said:
Very helpful.

Also, welcome to the Waluigi Fan Club :yesnod:

You are helping His Purple Majesty in his quest for:
Thanx! glad to be of help

BTW, here's my Waluigi Mii; whaddya think?

I'm faced with this as I think I need to RMA my Wii (green pixels). It seems Nintendo is sort of random as to whether they will transfer your save-game info to the replacement Wii, so I want to do my own backup just in case. With so much time put into Zelda and Metroid, I honestly would probably just give up on those games unless I can keep my saved games. I've read some things about some games not being able to be backed-up to an SD card, but not which games. Does anyone have more info on this, or is it just a false rumor?
I think you should make a note that not all Wii game saves can be transfered to an SD card.
cannon said:
I think you should make a note that not all Wii game saves can be transfered to an SD card.
Umm did you read my question? That's precisely what I was asking about. Which ones can't? Where can I get more info on this?

As long as Pirates, Metroid, and Zelda can transfer, I can probably live without the rest.
I no that Mario and Sonic at the Olympics cant be transfered, Im not sure about any others, But its a good idea we should try and compile a list of the ones that you cant transfer.
Guitar Hero 3, I'm pretty sure can't be transferred.

It doesn't for me, a user on here, and two of my friends.
It seems ridiculous and unfair that some games should not let you transfer the data. This puts you at the mercy of your Wii never needing repair, otherwise you lose all your data with no way to backup.

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