Can we start a trading forum or trading thread


WiiChat Member
Nov 25, 2007
How about a forum or thread where people trade their old and unwanted games with other users here?

It might work. It might not because everyone will want to trade up and because it'll be hard to find a 1-1 match. But it is a decent idea.

If not, I am trying swaptree and goozex to get rid of my games I don't want.

Like I said, I think people will trade up but here is my request and offer list.

Requests (1 for 1 trade)

Zelda twilight
Wii play w/remote
call of duty 3
need for speed carbon


MOH vanguard
prince of persia
Alien syndrome

I might stick go goozex (example, prince of persia is worth 700 points, but call of duty 3 is only 450 so I end up better selling it there).

But I think trading here could be a good idea to exchange unwanted games.

Twilight Princess
Wii Play w/ remote
Wii remote w/ Nunchuck
Super paper Mario

Medal of Honor 2:Heroes

I have been wondering about the same thing since I registered here on day one!

I think if there is enough of an interest, then the mod may be able to add a dedicated forum category for Buying/Selling and Trading.

Unless, that is, there are reasons he decided against it -- I would almost think the latter, since most forums have marketplaces right off the bat...

Let's Hope!


P.S. Beware though, there are lots of people from different countries!
Im thinking it wont work
There are people that will abuse it
(this has been disscused loads of times before)
Unfortunately, I highly doubt that a trading games section here at WiiChat will work. The main reason being is that there will be some people who will decide take an advantage of this opportunity to scam other members of this site. Therefore, I believe that it would just make things more complicated.
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Fair enough. Like I said, I am using swaptree and goozex. I only discovered these sites a couple of days ago.

Goozex seems like it is the best method by far ($1 per game & s/h as well as using the points system).

Are there other trading sites similiar to goozex?
There is

Otherwise, why not just use eBay? It seems like the most obvious option. I've sold a few Wii games there: Mario Strikers ($35 plus shipping), Zelda (around $40 plus shipping), and MOHH2 ($38 plus shipping). There might have been a few others as well. You can usually buy other games for around the same or less. It works out in the end.

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