**the Official Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Friend Voucher Trading Thread**


hello i want to unlock the stuff in MP3C and i want to exchange fv if somebody can help me my name is Juan and my FC is 4412-9544-9042-5315
hey will any one trade friend vouchers with me pm me if you make me ur wii friend and then we can trade and we can evan chat about about games and stuff lol
<<<<mines is there pm me if u add nd message me b4 u send em for confirmation

got 10 to trade
I am looking to trade some friend tokens. Send me a PM if you add my Wii code! :D

I have about 20 tokens to trade, just to let you know.
I never understood this friend voucher buisness. What is it exactly?
fatalanth, I'm sending you a pm if you're still interested. I have about 18 vouchers to trade.

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