Can sexuality be changed?

"Frosties"? and "They're gonna' taste great?"

Wtf is that bullshit? Tony is a sellout.
That advert got banned? Thank FUCK for that. I swear, I could have killed something every time it came on. My God.
I wonder if anyone can answer me this.

Why is it, that lesbians, who obviously like women, are attracted to women with male mannerisms? Ie...they dress like men, hold themselves like men, look like men, even sound like men.

Sixty's right, it depends on the individual, that's just a stereotype. But you're right, some women are attracted to somewhat butch women. It's just like some straight women are attracted to meterosexuals.
I'm with gidget. I don't see it, either.

You've clearly not seen the Frosties advert.


I think that advert was stereotypical of gays, and that's why it was taken off the air. Well, that and the abundant death threats the actor (lol) was recieving.

One angry man wrote after watching it:

'He's a revolting, dispicable child, he deserves to die'.

Other people wrote:

Death to the Frosties child.

LOL why on Earth would he get death threats for doing an unsurprisingly cheesy cereal commercial?? It's not like anything was particularly offensive (much less homosexual) or any different from any other cereal commercial. As I see it, his overenthusiasm, singing a cheeky song, and generally looking like a crack addict made him just like every other kid in cereal commercials.

I guess all the "cereal kids" should be put to death...or I'm just not seeing the homosexual implications (unless "bloke in a crate" means gay or something).
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That advert got banned? Thank FUCK for that. I swear, I could have killed something every time it came on. My God.

I love the bit at the end, when he seems to innocently float up in the sky and begins to fly, whilst making gangsta 'brapping' gestures with his hands, as if to imply drug dealers and that mafia agent down the road eat Frosties.

They don't.
Chewy makes perfect sense.

If people could choose to become straight, there's no way anyone would be gay. You can't become straight, you can repress your homosexual feelings and be with a person of the opposite sex... but it's just like a straight person repressing any attraction to the opposite sex to be with a person of the same sex. Possible, yes; but generally not long-lasting, fulfilling or genuine. You're still gay, you just act straight.

Is it still too late to revive this controversial thread? A good discussion is something I'm always looking for, lock it up if you wish, but we DO have a new Wii-chat community/audience since 4 months ago.

Before I begin, I would like to announce that I am straight (one's orientation is now almost as commonly unknown as one's gender in the online realm).

I believe that a very tiny percentage of the gay/bi people actually CHOOSE to be so. I mean we live in a very open society, where people are willing to experiment with anything, even if it has a risk factor involved. Many people develop fetishes and alternate ways to have an "orgy" etc; It's not a coincidence that as more time goes by (and people are being more lenient and tolerant about many recently taboo things in general), people are opening up more and there are more "gay" and "bi" people. And it's not just a matter of people being able to express themselves easier, either (even though that too accounts for a small percentage of today's non-heterosexuals). Basically, of the people who have "switched over" from hetero to non-hetero, almost all have probably experienced something in their lives accidentally or otherwise, that led them to "realize" that there is more than just being straight to a sex life.

Of the people (the large majority) who genuinely do NOT choose to be gay or bi, I believe that nature has nothing to do with it, but rather the nurture aspect of it. Hence why as the society is going through radical change, we are seeing more and more non-hereosexuals, atheists, alternate lifestyles, etc. (and thus helps to prove my point that it is the environment, one's overall upbringing, and life experiences that one's had that constitutes to them being gay/bi).
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Chewy makes perfect sense.

If people could choose to become straight, there's no way anyone would be gay. You can't become straight, you can repress your homosexual feelings and be with a person of the opposite sex... but it's just like a straight person repressing any attraction to the opposite sex to be with a person of the same sex. Possible, yes; but generally not long-lasting, fulfilling or genuine. You're still gay, you just act straight.

Is it still too late to revive this controversial thread? A good discussion is something I'm always looking for, lock it up if you wish, but we DO have a new Wii-chat community/audience since 4 months ago.

Before I begin, I would like to announce that I am straight (one's orientation is now almost as commonly unknown as one's gender in the online realm).

I believe that a very tiny percentage of the gay/bi people actually CHOOSE to be so. I mean we live in a very open society, where people are willing to experiment with anything, even if it has a risk factor involved. Many people develop fetishes and alternate ways to have an "orgy" etc; It's not a coincidence that as more time goes by (and people are being more lenient and tolerant about many recently taboo things in general), people are opening up more and there are more "gay" and "bi" people. And it's not just a matter of people being able to express themselves easier, either (even though that too accounts for a small percentage of today's non-heterosexuals). Basically, of the people who have "switched over" from hetero to non-hetero, almost all have probably experienced something in their lives accidentally or otherwise, that led them to "realize" that there is more than just being straight to a sex life.

Of the people (the large majority) who genuinely do NOT choose to be gay or bi, I believe that nature has nothing to do with it, but rather the nurture aspect of it. Hence why as the society is going through radical change, we are seeing more and more non-hereosexuals, atheists, alternate lifestyles, etc. (and thus helps to prove my point that it is the environment, one's overall upbringing, and life experiences that one's had that constitutes to them being gay/bi).

Jebus, I think I'm gonna be talking to you about this one for a good while. :yesnod:

Alright, new buddy, sort-of, maybe, I kind of think of you as a debating buddy. Maybe I'm just an annoying over-sensitive pest with incomprehensibly underdeveloped ideas and horribly inflated linguistics, but I'm gonna take a leap here and say that.

Ack, bad self-esteem! We're sharing ideas now. Now my dear ego, inflate just a little like other people's do magically when communicating.

I do agree with you on one point here. That we do make some choices. I believe we make choices based on our perception of such things though. I don't quite buy that there's an absolutely determined sexuality for someone, but that their sexuality is representative of their perception not their parentage or even the world at large.

Ack! I'm repeating myself, but it's somewhat hard to explain.

I did what I do best and searched out any free, available, and reliable info on sex and I have found that even animals exhibit sexuality outside of the productive sort. Humans still have the most interesting behaviors though.

Hmmm... I guess it's just I find that sexuality is somewhat inherent and attached to your personality and the effects the world have on it are secondary rather than primary. They're there, but to an extent it's only because you allow it. It's more that people choose to express rather than people choose to be in my opinion.

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