Can sexuality be changed?

I wouldn't say that, as clearly, there are a lot of people who give a crap about religion here. It just isn't interlocked with politics in the slightest. People don't vote because they think it's in their religions best interests, if that makes sense.

You find me a British person on here (that isn't you, maybe?) that goes to church. Everyone thinks church is pretty much laughable. I haven't attended regularly since I was about 8, and that's perfectly normal. That's actually long compared to everyone else. We just don't care. Sure, we have to learn about it because the country is Christian, but that's as far as I've seen people go.
I wouldn't say that, as clearly, there are a lot of people who give a crap about religion here. It just isn't interlocked with politics in the slightest. People don't vote because they think it's in their religions best interests, if that makes sense.
Ironically, unlike America we actually have a mandated religious contingent in parliament, namely the "Lords Spiritual" in the House of Lords. Obviously, I'd be glad to see their role ended, although I'd rather just replace the entire House of Lords with a second elected House.

But yeah, it is true that Britons don't usually vote according to religion- immigration, health, and crime are much bigger issues. Heck, we even have an atheist as leader of a major party (the Lib Dems)- you couldn't get away with that in America.
Oh, and we're elitist. Almost forgot that one. Thanks for the reminder, Twilight.
Here's a question that we were talking about the other night.

Right, fair enough people are gay, they enjoy men and penises. That's fine. But, why is it, that some gay males also have the whole voice/walk/mannerisms thing on the go?

There's gay people I know that are just like the straight people I know, apart from who they want to shag. Then there's gay people I know that are like what I said above. Anyone got an explanation?
You find me a British person on here (that isn't you, maybe?) that goes to church. Everyone thinks church is pretty much laughable. I haven't attended regularly since I was about 8, and that's perfectly normal. That's actually long compared to everyone else. We just don't care. Sure, we have to learn about it because the country is Christian, but that's as far as I've seen people go.

For starters, especially with the growth of Islam here (3%, or 1.5 million adherents in ths country), when I refer to religion, I'm not talking about Christianity exclusively. I think the latest statistics put the percentage of church goers in this country at 7-8% of the population or around 4.2 million people. I wouldn't take that figure lightly- it still is a hell of a lot of people.
And to be honest, I sincerely doubt that WiiChat is an accurate representation of the British public.
But yeah, it is true that Britons don't usually vote according to religion- immigration, health, and crime are much bigger issues. Heck, we even have an atheist as leader of a major party (the Lib Dems)- you couldn't get away with that in America.

I thought Gordon Brown was an atheist? Or at least less religious than the overtly Roman Catholic Blair.
I think some guys are just naturally more effeminate, and are more comfortable acting like that than trying to be like all the other guys. That, and the cultural "expectations" or whatever of the gay community are wayyy different to that of mainstream society... If you spend enough time around people who say "hayy girl hayyy", then you're probably going to end up saying "hayy girl hayyy".

But I wouldn't exactly call myself an expert on the matter. I don't know anyone who actually lives up to the stereotype.
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Here's a question that we were talking about the other night.

Right, fair enough people are gay, they enjoy men and penises. That's fine. But, why is it, that some gay males also have the whole voice/walk/mannerisms thing on the go?

There's gay people I know that are just like the straight people I know, apart from who they want to shag. Then there's gay people I know that are like what I said above. Anyone got an explanation?

I've also noticed that gay people tend to have a universal accent. Most people have traits of it in their voice. Why is that? I know some people can sound straight and you wouldn't be able to tell their sexuality from a mile off, but I don't think it's like... a female thing, because women don't speak like that. Always baffled me.
Oh theres a dude at college we didnt know was gay ALL year til his birthday and he was all, "oh hay! heres by BF"

No one had any idea.

Another dude, is as queer as they come, totally lives the lifestyle, has thr voice, does all the dressing up etc.

The difference is significant, I'm not too sure what impacts it, except the people they choose to hang around with?

The first guy primarily hangs with straight people, whilst the second was always with gay guys.
Here's a question that we were talking about the other night.

Right, fair enough people are gay, they enjoy men and penises. That's fine. But, why is it, that some gay males also have the whole voice/walk/mannerisms thing on the go?

There's gay people I know that are just like the straight people I know, apart from who they want to shag. Then there's gay people I know that are like what I said above. Anyone got an explanation?
I honestly have no idea. I've known one gay guy who spoke like that, but I've also known gays who didn't. Incidentally, I've also met a straight guy who spoke like that.

For starters, especially with the growth of Islam here (3%, or 1.5 million adherents in ths country), when I refer to religion, I'm not talking about Christianity exclusively. I think the latest statistics put the percentage of church goers in this country at 7-8% of the population or around 4.2 million people. I wouldn't take that figure lightly- it still is a hell of a lot of people.
Just curious... do you know how many of them are regular church-goers?

I thought Gordon Brown was an atheist? Or at least less religious than the overtly Roman Catholic Blair.
He's Presbyterian, apparently.
I honestly have no idea. I've known one gay guy who spoke like that, but I've also known gays who didn't. Incidentally, I've also met a straight guy who spoke like that.

I think this is a matter of socialization. It's not like there are two different kinds of homosexuals: Ones that are meant to be the husband and ones that are meant to be the wife. It's just a matter of who they relate with. Some gays spend time with other gays, while some gays prefer to have straight friends. We shouldn't underestimate the influence that our peers have on us.

The bolded part above was to emphasize the fact that the process could just as likely happen to a straight man. I'd be willing to bet that this person you knew, Napalm, had one or more gay friends.
I think being gay is wrong. Everyone should be straight.

We get it, you hate gays. Now either post some logic to back up your opinion other than "Jesus told me so", or stop posting in here.

Here's a question that we were talking about the other night.

Right, fair enough people are gay, they enjoy men and penises. That's fine. But, why is it, that some gay males also have the whole voice/walk/mannerisms thing on the go?

There's gay people I know that are just like the straight people I know, apart from who they want to shag. Then there's gay people I know that are like what I said above. Anyone got an explanation?
I believe that gay people like that are generally what you call "women trapped in a mans body". Their sex is male but their gender is female. They aren't really trying to act like that, that is just them being themselves.
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