Can sexuality be changed?

Yeah no joke, my parents are straight. That's not to say that homosexuality isn't genetically-linked though. Many genetic traits you have aren't apparent in your parents.

Nature or nurture? I don't know. I'm comfortable with either. I used to support only the "nature" argument, because it strongly reinforces the fact that sexuality is not a choice. But, I mean, even if it is according to "nurture", no conscious choice was made.

And it's not like all gays were brought up with Barbies and were treated like girls. Not that there's anything wrong with this. I've heard that people brought up with a female influence end up being better parents. I think it's plausible that your mind will react to certain things differently to other people during early childhood, which in turn shape the person you'll become (not just talking about sexual orientation here, because I don't think it's that important in the grand scheme of things).

Sixty, I reckon it takes someone extremely confident in their sexuality to say that everyone is born bisexual. Particularly a Christian. Hooray for open-mindedness. My take on the matter is that when you're born... you don't have a sexuality. You can't be sexually stimulated, you don't have any sexual preferences towards either gender at all. When you get older, you become more attracted to a certain gender, or both genders. But I agree, no one is born straight. For instance, it's not like I woke up one day and was like, "Hey, wow, now I'm gay! This is weird!".

Bio, I think you're more willing to consider that all people are born straight to because you're more comfortable with this idea... because no one wants to think that they are, and that they've ever been, anything other than straight. Sexuality is such an insignificant thing, though, that it really doesn't matter. You didn't come out of the womb wanting tits, basically. That's something that develops for some people, and doesn't for others.
This homosexual ****ing gene comes from a ****ing mutation! Yes I'm swearing because this deabate won't stfu. Adam and Eve didn't have to be gay...MUTATIONS!!! What came first the chicken or the egg? The egg came first to hatch the chicken...chicken egg was laid due to a GENETIC MUTATION.

Honestly, read a ****ing Punnet's square once in a while. (I know it's not recessive and it's not a gene)
Nawwww....So tell the story?

There is no real story, sorry to disappoint. It's like me asking you, when did you realise you were straight?

There's no significant epiphanic moment, there's just a whole lot of confusion, but knowing deep down the way you really are. You try to fight it, but it's all just a long road towards self-acceptance.

Naw, look at me getting all deep up in here.

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