Can sexuality be changed?

Maybe in some cases, but they'd have to have something to sort of shock them into changing their morals.

Sure, it's easy to just not gamble. But will they suddenly not like gambling? Don't think so.

Psychological trauma could make someone truly change their sexuality, but that's pretty much it.

or could a person choose to change their lifestyle?
or could a person choose to change their lifestyle?

Sexuality isn't a lifestyle.

I don't know about you, but I don't consider being straight to be a lifestyle choice of mine. It's just that I get turned on by girls, not guys.
You cant change your sexuality, you were either born from XX or XY cromosomes and everything in your body came out from that, you can change your thoughts, ideas and the way you look tho, but even if u get multiple surgeries, act like a woman, etc you cant change it, doodha!

I'm sure thats wasnt your point but I was bored <.<
acting out your sexuality is your lifestyle. you may not be able to choose one or the others, but you can choose to whether or not you act it out.
acting out your sexuality is your lifestyle. you may not be able to choose one or the others, but you can choose to whether or not you act it out.

Well yeah, no one's saying that you can't hide your sexuality. The question is whether you can change it.
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Moreso about changing it to being bisexual, not gay.
The dictionary definition of homosexuality states that homosexuality is "sexual desire or behavior directed toward a person or persons of one's own sex" basically meaning that you are physically attracted to someone of the same gender. When debating the subject of whether or not one can force a change in sexuality you have to remember that love and attraction are two very different things. It is entirely possible to love someone and not be attracted to them physically. You can't change who are what you are attracted to, but who you choose to love is up to you.
Haha, I could get involved in this conversation but I don't see any need to with Andthen? already handling it. He manages to argue everything I would say, and yet comes across as much more respectful then I would.
Leaking into a completely different thread, so I may as well take this somewhere. Some people think it's possible. :p

Do you think people can change this if they really want to? Because I actually can, even though I consider myself straight. I can easily point out a good looking guy or something, everyone can. Dunno what's stopping people. I can't imagine suddenly being off my significant other because they were a different gender, yet I still wouldn't go for a male. I think everyone can force themselves to be in love with someone of the same gender. S'all just a trend in society.

Actually, I think sexuality only exists because of... Dare I say religion? Plus other factors, I know thaaat.

If we bring the animal debate into it... yeah. They just have sex to simply mate. Pretty sure they've worked it out that they can't with the same sex. That's all I'm capable of typing this tired though. Have fun.

Of course anyone can say "oh he's a good looking guy"
Girls say that all the time about other girls, but that doesn't mean our sexuality changed. For you guys you never say "ya he's good looking" because you guys think others will call you gay or something. not anyone can force then selves to like another gender. Maybe you're just bisexual? I've never had thoughts of making out with another girl or doing anything else. I don't understand why you bring animals into this...But i do admit there are some speciese of animals who are gay or bi. But this is pretty much a breeding instinct, if a particular animal doesn't show any signs different from a male or female, the male would have to guess.
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Of course anyone can say "oh he's a good looking guy"
Girls say that all the time about other girls, but that doesn't mean our sexuality changed. For you guys you never say "ya he's good looking" because you guys think others will call you gay or something. not anyone can force then selves to like another gender. Maybe you're just bisexual? I've never had thoughts of making out with another girl or doing anything else. I don't understand why you bring animals into this...But i do admit there are some speciese of animals who are gay or bi. But this is pretty much a breeding instinct, if a particular animal doesn't show any signs different from a male or female, the male would have to guess.

I understand that you can't force yourself to now, because you have absolutely no reason to. You've already had influences that indicate that you should be part of a straight society. Or, on the other hand, maybe I am just bisexual. ;) (I'm also most probably humanist, but no one cares about that either). Just, if it was a clean slate and people didn't have their own legacy to be caught up on, why can't we fall in love with one another? To me, there's only a physical difference.

Attraction is attraction, so why can't both genders just be pretty or something? Would you be attracted to a girl that just really looked like a guy? There's no reason for feelings to become void if someone was lying about their gender through the internet or... even a sex change ('part from the whole lying thing, people don't do so well with that).

Life should be like There's Something About Miriam:


Is that not one nice looking man? :p
I understand that you can't force yourself to now, because you have absolutely no reason to. You've already had influences that indicate that you should be part of a straight society. Or, on the other hand, maybe I am just bisexual. ;) (I'm also most probably humanist, but no one cares about that either). Just, if it was a clean slate and people didn't have their own legacy to be caught up on, why can't we fall in love with one another? To me, there's only a physical difference.

Attraction is attraction, so why can't both genders just be pretty or something? Would you be attracted to a girl that just really looked like a guy? There's no reason for feelings to become void if someone was lying about their gender through the internet or... even a sex change ('part from the whole lying thing, people don't do so well with that).

Life should be like There's Something About Miriam:


Is that not one nice looking man? :p
I can see where you're coming from, and you definitely have a point. But the fact is, many of us just don't find members of the same gender attractive. Would I break off a relationship if I found out a supposed girl was actually a guy? Yes, I probably would. I know it's shallow that I could just abandon any feelings on the simple matter of gender (I don't really see gender as a big issue in aspects other than love), but guys just don't do it for me.
This is the internet, where pissant and rude yet witty and true comments prevail.

True. But I still admire him for it. Me? I would have probably been reduced to petty insults and forgotten about whatever the hell I was saying. Actually this is not limited to the Internet.
While I can say I wouldn't break off a GOOD relationship with someone who lied about their gender, the truth is I probably would. Not so much for attraction reasons rather than trust and the shift in general would be a bit much.
to add another difficult question, can a douchebag become a normal person?

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