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If you believe in Creationism, the chicken came first, if you believe in evolution the chicken came first.
I thought the egg came first? Many creatures before the chicken laid eggs. Or are we only referring to chicken eggs?
For the Free Will question, yes.. God gave his children free will, and you do have it even though he is all knowing of what is going to happen.
e.g. I know my fiance would eat a bowl of a cereal over a dead rat. If I were to set them both before my fiance, it is safe to say she will not eat the dead rat. Knowing this is not taking away the freedom of Catherine since she is freely choosing one over the other.
No, I think you're missing the entire point. If God has a master plan, then we really have no choice over what we're going to do. Your example of the cereal and the dead rat doesn't address this. If God has a master plan, and your fiance "chooses" to eat the cereal, then that really isn't a choice. God already "predicted" it would happen.
It's not free will if he has everything already planned out.
Which also makes praying pretty pointless.