Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Reflex Friend Codes

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Reflex

:wii-black:When I get back on modern warfare reflex I will put down my friend code so people can add me if they want..I'm looking for people to join me in a team death match so if you wanna be my friend on call of duty modern warfare reflex just drop your friend code if you would like an I will send you mine as soon as I go back online
Anyone is welcome to add me. 03374038980

I'll add you tonight and please add me
MWR - 394438594630
profile name- Dog

I also just got a headset and really want to try it out so feel free to add me
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Call of Duty: Modern Warefare

Add me if ya like 066005271184... Haven't been playing long so stats suck.
call of duty modern warfare friend codes

heres my fc: 4293-7654-4547
pm me your fc's
cod mwr code

:yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod:if anybody whants to be my friend in cod mwr just pm me your code mines 4293-7654-4547 and just reply to me and i am 9th prestige lv.42!!!
:yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod:if anybody whants to be my friend in cod mwr just pm me your code mines 4293-7654-4547 and just reply to me and i am 9th prestige lv.42!!![/QUOTE

I'll add you tonight. My info is
MWR - 3944-3859-4630
profile name- Dog
cod mwr codes

who ever wants to be in a clan for cod mwr just pm me your fc mines 4293-7654-4547

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