Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Reflex Friend Codes

OH, that's probably a grenade launcher. If you look in the bottom corner it will show something like this killing you:
Yup, that's it, dang, hits you outta nowhere.

to the previous posters, yeah, alot of people still play waw and mwr. there is no wait time to find a tdm. if you're a cheapo like me, wait to buy the game until it's on ebay for cheap. used game, but brand new to me.

so, what are the obvious cheats with mwr? i don't see anything out of the norm, but could be i just haven't spent enuf time on the game yet. not like waw - cliffside, shadows on the ground and people trying to go through bunker walls. or makin, peeps in the roof of the shack. the shadows on cliffside really make the game not fun.
Being stuck in slow motion, does this happen to anyone?

I tried changing my nun-chuk, but that didnt solve the problem, tried the search engine, no results for slow motion moving modern warfare. I notice it seems to happen when I make sudden changes in movement or shaking my nun-chuk too violently trying to re-load. Makes the game hard to play when stuck in slow motion.

Appreciate any help.
Need friend codes for cod4 reflex

all my friends have cod on xbox or ps3 so need some people t play with my code is 106187638649. Reply if your interseted :)
Need friend codes for cod4 reflex

I'll play with anyone as long as they don't hack or glitch. Friend code is in my signature.
Just wondering...

Once in a while I join a game where you can run really fast, I mean zooming around. Does this mean the game has been hacked by someone playing or you think it just a glitch with the game?

My COD MWR FC is in my signature.

Please feel free to add me, and PM me to let me know that you've added me so I can add you.

Thanks, Bay.

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