Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Reflex Friend Codes

32112 i just added u my mwr friend code is 488127029355

Just added you to one of my profiles. If its ok to add you to my others just go to page where i have all my fc codes and leave me a message and will add you. Thanks
im Lil.QD
I need friends for cod4 mwr
im have 3.02 KD RATIO
My friend code is in my sig
im on everyday

I will add you to all my profiles tonight add me. All my fc codes are on my page. Thanks.
hey im 32112 sorry for the number crap couldnt come up with a username....i play CoD modern warfare reflex and looking for some friends to kick a** with...
call of duty MWR 355405150400

I will add you tonight to all my profiles. My fc codes are on my page. Thanks.
all can add me my fc is 056766746197 send me a message if u add me i need people to play with :yesnod:
lookin for a new and active clan join now SOS go to

lookin for a new and active clan join now SOS go to

lookin for a new and active clan join now SOS go to

new to the forum

Hey, guys! I will send a few of you guys friend invites (hopefully tonight). Just found this forum.

My screen name is always Diego. I'm either a 3rd or 4th level prestige player - I forget which. Anyways, hope to play with you guys soon. I usually hang out in "mercenary team deathmatch" but would like to be in regular "team deathmatch" if I have someone to invite. Later!

I get the slow motion thing too. I've discovered that if I keep the cord stretched out in a big half loop instead of letting it get twisted or bend near the connector, it does better.
Ok, I've added: devilchild, shallowbay, imnohero, cohenator, monty33, coolpanda, and jcshadow.

My FC is 0844-6843-9772.

Please add me if you get a moment. I'm usually on about 9pm EST weeknights, Saturdays off and on, Sundays 2-5pm EST.

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