Broken things are broken - welcome to 2008

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  • #31
BTW if anyone wants to make a little icon, i can get them added next to our usernames.

kinda like a 'i survived the wiichat disaster of 2009' or something :p
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  • #32
Well, I was working on a huge project with The_Dal, Destiny, and Bowserizer in late 2008/early 2009 called the Moranos Region. Will I have to restart that again?


Oh my god. I LOVE Google cache. Time for some resurrecting...

That's an excellent idea, hopefully you can salvage some work :)
xD that would be kind of cool.

But I'm beginning to lean towards Destiny's idea. Get rid of everything and simply start anew.

EDIT: Thanks. I already found the page, so the thread should be up again in the next few hours. :)
BTW if anyone wants to make a little icon, i can get them added next to our usernames.

kinda like a 'i survived the wiichat disaster of 2009' or something :p

Any icon? This, please:


But if you have anything better, then okay.
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  • #39
Give me pixel size and general idea of what you want and I'll get on it (;

hehe not really sure, just small enough so i can next to everyone's username. Everyone that registered before today that is :)

"i0n brings wiichat back to life"
if you don't want your name in it then:
Wiichat comes back to life?
Nice to have the site back up even though everything reverted to March 2008 >_> Hey i0n any chance I can get my name changed to "Dinner".. Would really appreciate it =)

edit: My sig lives!

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