Broken things are broken - welcome to 2008

Woah is all I have to say. I need to use a proxy to visit the forum... Still getting that "We'll be back soon" message if I'm not using a proxy.

Really is a shame all the posts and such are lost now. But it gives us a new start.

EDIT: And rofl at my sig.
Woah is all I have to say. I need to use a proxy to visit the forum... Still getting that "We'll be back soon" message if I'm not using a proxy.

Really is a shame all the posts and such are lost now. But it gives us a new start.

EDIT: And rofl at my sig.

At least we can have two images in our sigs now.
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Woah is all I have to say. I need to use a proxy to visit the forum... Still getting that "We'll be back soon" message if I'm not using a proxy.

Really is a shame all the posts and such are lost now. But it gives us a new start.

EDIT: And rofl at my sig.

Thanks for understanding!

The DNS is still propogating so it might be a while before everyone can see the forum again. (I'm also using a proxy right now as otherwise i still see the old hosting)
i0n, I do have a suggestion. Since all the posts are lost now from the majority of last year and the beginning of this year, why not just delete every topic or something along the lines of, say, starting over?

I mean, it's just a big gap between March 2008 and now.
i0n... maybe we could, like, start fresh again. You could delete every post. I'm not sure if anyone agrees though.
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i0n, I do have a suggestion. Since all the posts are lost now from the majority of last year and the beginning of this year, why not just delete every topic or something along the lines of, say, starting over?

I mean, it's just a big gap between March 2008 and now.

I dont think there's any real benefit in that, the old posts will soon get pushed back and more importantly we gain a lot of visitors/new members from the old threads that are well indexed in the search engines.

Stuff like general Wii questions and discussions never date because people are buying Wii consoles every day if you know what i mean.

I know it sucks right now, but give it another week and we'll have some fresh and recent threads going im sure - even if i have to make them all myself :thumbsup:
I'm really sad about SOTW. Woosh, there it goes. I'd never entered back then!
I wonder what the new goodies will be. Sorry this happened to you i0n. Especially since you had backups but they were corrupted.
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wait, so if everything until march 08 got deleted....does that mean accounts made after that have also been removed?
Yep, everything after March 08 got deleted, including accounts.
poor SOTW. Oh well, Ditto on Mikey's advice... **** happens.. major **** happens.

Ya, I just noticed that also..

but yeah, just realise things could be alot worse. You could of logged on one day and your laptop literally exploded.

Pretty sure you'd of been more annoyed then, no? But wait.. it didn't?!

phew thank goodness.
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well it seems my account was deleted so i have to start all over from scratch :[
is there anyway you can restore this ion or at least set it so i am back to where i was before.

Sorry buddy, i've been trying the past few days to restore a more recent database but with no success :(

Post counts have been removed anyway, so everyone's back on a level playing field with that.
Well, I was working on a huge project with The_Dal, Destiny, and Bowserizer in late 2008/early 2009 called the Moranos Region. Will I have to restart that again?


Oh my god. I LOVE Google cache. Time for some resurrecting...

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