Brawl Wifi??

Jun 22, 2007
Wii Online Code
I don't know if this has been posted before and I searched, but whatever.

According to this link at gamestop, brawl will be online, and the box art has the wifi sticker.

I know that some people have been saying it will definitely be online, but this is for all the non believers, and the question is...Do you think that this means its confirmed??
Still not oficially confirmed, but it'll be there...
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Well, this'll set my nerves aside if the sticker is true.
its obviously going to be online if it wasnt alot of people wouldnt buy it its common sense
I wouldn't doubt if that is the real boxart. I don't see a disclaimer on that page that says it isn't.
well i do think that it will be online, but im gonna tell you what levesqueking said tome me when i posted that link on another thread...........he said that " that is just gamestop being gamestop, they just put that sticker on their to sell more preorders, they have pissid off alot of people when the game is released" it went something like that, but anyways i still think it will be online but dont take that sites word for it

edit- holy crap!!!!!!!!!^^^^^ dude your right, ok that is really starting to scare me........................dun dun duhhhhhh
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Sorry, it had to be said. Do not trust anything that a retailer says that hasn't been officially confirmed by the big N.
hey ^^ leavesque, have you been to that link lately, they completely changed it to just the ssbb symbol
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I know! I just checked. This is annoying...why can't they just tell us right now that it's online....:mad5:
^Lmao, you right. They changed it back to what they had it as before that boxart. Do they know something we dont (the boxart is fake) or did they just take it down to be on the safe side?

^^ i wonder what the ppl who preordered it from there are thinking right now,................the changing of the boxart has got me thinking now
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I do care if its wifi, but I'm still buying it. Melee was one my my favorite gc games, and its still really fun if you have friends over.

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