Are you a true enough SSB fan to not use the Strategy Guide?,,


Henshin A Go Go Baby!
May 31, 2007
Well i was searching Gamestop, and i had noticed a Strategy Guide comes out 6 days before the game,

Now this is the true question?.. Do you have the guts to beat it on your own WITHOUT getting that cheat guide?..

Me.. I say HECK NO! >O I want to solve everything on my own, Making me more of a true SSB fan, lol if you are really devoted to SSBB then you wouldn't buy it.
i might buy it, and that wouldn't make me any less of a fan, i don't care much about bragging about being a fan or not, but you can find out advanced skills before anyone if you get the guide, and completly dominate online....

however i'm going to spend like 5 days non-stop playing it and trying to unlock everything as much as possible to avoid spoilers...

i don't knwo what you mean by "beating the game"

cause "beating melee" was nearly impossible(still only 2 trophies away:() and getting that far without any help from a guide/interweb would be ****ing hard as well

and if "beating the game" means beating single player, than i do not see what you're talking just fight stuff....the puzzles probably won't be that hard

imho buying the guide(after a while) would make you more of a fan...but whatevs
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A guid for Smash!! yohoo! I'm buying it..I don't buy guides to guide me in the game, but to look at the pretty pictures and have a souvenir of the I'll definetely get it.
I can see how it Might be useful for Brawl, as it has a more developed story mode, but personally I'll not be getting it.

If Something really stumps me (I doubt it) I'll just look up an online walkthrough.
I'll get the guide. Why... Same reason as any hyped game. I wanna get all of the crap from that game.
I don't like using guides when I play through a game for the very first time, except when I am truly stuck. However, I don't think I will be buying a guide for a fighting game anyway, but my opinions may change after the game is released, and if it has a lot to offer in terms of unlock-able content.

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