Brawl Online (allow which ip)


WiiChat Member
Jan 21, 2008
Okay when I first got my Nintendo Wi-Fi USB connector i had some trouble getting it to connect with the firewall on my computer on. Then I found a forum thread somewhere that explained how to set it up to connect through the firewall and a whole bunch of Nintendo ip adresses to allow. Stuff like the shop channel, weather, opera, etc. Well now I have brawl and it almost connects (it finds players) but when I actually get about to play it stops and says you were disconnected, which is logically the firewalll kicking in.

Now, does anyone know or know how to find out the ip range of Brawls Wi-Fi play? so i can add it to my list and not have problems :)
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i think i ttried that and it didnt work... how would you go about that?
U must switch off the firewall from ur router not your computer windows firewall.
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im using the usb connector not a router... trust me theres a range of ip's used for brawl online im pretty sure i just need to know them to add them to my firewalls list of allowed
You have the USB to Ethernet adapter correct? Nintendo recommend to allow ALL ports (from 1 to the highest number your router support) to open. But remember that only open these ports for your Wii so you won't be vulnerable online(viruses). To configure your router look at your manual or call customer support.

I don't know why are you talking about your firewall since the adapter goes into your router instead of the computer, unless it's the WiFi adapter.

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