Original Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector Help!!!

banana_678 said:
Hello Buddies,

I bought a Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector 2 Weeks ago, but till now i still cannot connect my Wii with the internet.I did all i should,but end up with ERROR 52140.

The USB Connector can detect the wii..and shows "connected" with full bar in the registration tool.

I connect my wii with wireless connection>>nintendo wi-fi usb>>allow usb connector to connect>>but some out with ERROR 52140

I'm not sure whether my firewall is on or not?But anyway my Norton Antivirus is expired,so i assume its not affecting.

Buddies please help.I really want to online.

What should i do.

I had the same problem I returned the adapter and bought a router much more reliable:thumbsup:
Oceanic said:
Hmmmmmm, a modem without an ethernet port, that might be a problem. I've got everything going via ethernet here. What brand of modem is it? You might have lucked out on that one, I'm not sure if you can connect the modem and router via USB, if anyone else out there knows if you can or not, feel free to jump in! If it is not possible, then the only solution would be to buy a modem & router all in the one package, cuts down on space that way to, apart from that, I'm not sure.:(

Sorry I couldn't be of more help with that.

Sweet - I just bought the D-Link DSL-G604T router/modem

Installed it, hooked up ethernet and boom WII works straight of the bat with 3 bars connectivity. easy as that!

WIFI USB is a waste of time then!

Cheers Guys :thumbsup:

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