Brawl kicking out melee characters?

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ok you guys, those are cartoon characters but sakura does look pretty. But she's a cartoon character, the artists try to make her as perfect as possible.
Supermariomp3 said:
ok you guys, those are cartoon characters but sakura does look pretty. But she's a cartoon character, the artists try to make her as perfect as possible.
Hey, don't mess wid' us, we beat yo' face down boi'...jk, lol we're fantasizing, we know:) We aren't totally messed up:p

Ino looks the exact same (she even grows her hair out again, thank God, she looked terrible w/ short hair) or wait...i'm not sure if i've seen her in the manga yet...aggh, now i'm confused:lol:

Jeez... Make A Topic In The Lounge If You Guys Are Gonna Talk ABout This...
Y do u give a flip? U already posted, everyone has, so if u don't mind (if u do I don't care) leave us alone. This is kind of the thread for it, get over it.

sasuke747, PM w/ the link to ur forum...I want to be a mod too:p I don't care, I was just asking, I can dream can't I?:rolleyes:
Yeah, it's O I mean, Sakurasmygirlfriendinyourfacesasuke747@hahainyourface:p
thank god there getting rid of clones i mean that was so gay that they had clones in the first place....i mean wow come on why even put the characters in the game if they arent going to have any different moves i think its ridiculous....thank god get out clones get out :scared:
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