Blocking megastrikes with guest


WiiChat Member
Dec 14, 2007
Philly, PA
OK , this has happened to me a few times, im in a match with guest and the other team pulls off a megastrike. im player 1 it is me blocking or at least until i click to begin. once i hit the button my controller does not work but it switches to player 2. it pisses me off, tonite we lost a game b/c 0f this. anyone know y it happens? i t has been happening for months, every so often.
I honestly think I have had the same thing happen, right before the balls came flying in my cursor locked to the right side of the screen and it wouldn't move, but didn't realize that the guest had actually needed to do it. Kinda gay because it caused me to lose by 1 when i was up by 3
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yup. my controller locked in on the right hand of the side as well. i actually picked up the second players controller (my guest) cause he was on his laptop(not paying attention) and blocked the last 3 shots in orange ha, but we lost by 1 anyways.

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