Goldeneye: The tell of host rage quit.


WiiChat Member
Jan 6, 2011
Wii Online Code
Alright. Yesterday I was playing a match of team conflict on Goldeneye and it was going rather well, until there was approximately one second left of the game. Guess what happened? I'm assuming you guys probably know. The host quit the match and I lost everything. My experience points and my twenty-nine eliminations. Now, it's not the fact of him or her quitting; it's because he or she quit the game at that precise time that wasn't necessary. It shows me that it was intensely done to aggravate, or piss the other players off. Has this ever happened to you?
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Not in Goldeneye, but recently I've been gaming some Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood multiplayer on a friend's PS3. I've encountered a few host quits, more than half being at the last second or two of the match. Which is pathetic, since I've only played the multiplayer a few hours total. =/ Host quitters are everywhere in the online community... All online games need some sort of host migration, IMO. A penalty for repeated disconnections during matches with randoms as well; if your a douche and host quitting, obviously you need an attitude adjustment and just desserts. If your poor internet connection is simply ruining everyone else's time, some sort of punishment is justifiable as well IMO.
A few months ago, I once played (and hosted) a game of Heroes where the ENTIRE OTHER TEAM was hacking Proximity Mines, Mastertons, Stratas, etc, (I believe one of them had Golden Bullets, but this is just speculation) and weren't spawning any Heroes. I was doing okay, but the rest of my noob teammates were getting slaughtered and I could tell the hackers were enjoying every second of it. So, I decided to troll the trolls by performing a host quit right before the enemy won (I seriously waited for their score to hit 119), for the sole sake of hopefully pissing them off, since they wouldn't get the XP they didn't really earn. I think it worked, because I saw them again a few games later, and they all left the game almost instantly.
^^^ Well deserved for the hackers, but don't forget about your unfortunate team mates... What little XP they earned was lost.

At the very least, Nintendo should really implement some sort of report system for hackers and dickshits on the WiiU.
Hi All.

I was playing COnflict last night and there is a player on there 'MGJ' level 50+ and he was just mullering everyone.

I can handle a beating but all they did was pepper the place with proximity mines and then hide.

Seriously, he was raking the point in, not one single (well deserved, in my book) death was received by them!

Whilst this is well within the 'rules' so to speak, to me, it stinks!

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