Blazing Angels or spiderman 3


Dec 17, 2006
Mississauga, Ontario
Wii Online Code
Hello, im really having trouble deciding. I have enough moeny for 5 games but im saving. Im definatly buying mario party 8 in May 29, but I want a game thats long and playable. I love flighting game and i wanna try the new controls. My brother and I like spiderman (he loves it, even plays 2 right now), but its not 2 player. I heard balzing angels is the best 2 player ever. Even though blazing angels might be new and hard, its long. Spiderman 3, my friend said its short. Ive played spiderman 3 in his house and i kinda liked it. Im tying to rent blazing angles but they are always taken. Thanks in advance.
I really like Blazing Angels. Once you get used to the controls it is a lot of fun and the 2 player will keep you coming back to it.

I have read a lot of bad reviews on Spiderman 3 and wont be touching it.
I would go for Blazing Angels, I haven't tried it tho. But Spiderman 3 sucked big time... Do not waste your money on it.
spiderman isnt bad, it grows on you, but it definitely isnt one i would recommend whole-heartedly, plus it does seem to be short, im halfway done with the game and i havent really played it that much
yea dude spiderman 3 isnt to great the only thing i liked about the game was the controls for swinging around the city that was fun. also the black suit. other than that the game isnt good at all.

Now blazing angels is a little better than spiderman 3. i found the controls took some time getting use to if u only use the wiimote like i did. The dogfights get repitive quick. sometimes the wiimote seemed un-responsive when i turned to far.

all in all i woundnt get any of these games. although if u just have to have a game get blazing angels. but other than that these games wern't really good. do what the guy above you said get paper mario.
rep me if this helped you
I don't actually know how Blazing Angels plays but I would not recommend that you get Spider-Man 3. The movie was said to be a great work of art but the game did not receive the same positive review.
why do people ask these inane questions? its like saying "hmm, shall i buy a newspaper or an ice-cream?"

it really depends on what you want...what will give you the more enjoyment...

if i were you...i'd go with the ice-cream

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