Black Ops Assassin

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  • #61
I love open world games... Fallout 3 was my absolute favorite and I did enjoy Fallout: New Vegas (for the gambling), the only thing that disappointed me was they didn't have all the games you'd expect at Vegas (Craps & Poker), however; I did like screwing around Mojave dessert. I have a habit of trying to find things out of nowhere.
Nothing about Fallout appealed to me. I actually like Skyrim more than Fallout. Skyrim at least had a decent battle system. I was not a fan of Fallout's battle system.
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  • #64
I took a gamble and tried Fallout 3 for $20 (when I had an XBOX 360, and never played Fallout & Fallout 2), I found it to be the best gamble I've ever made.
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  • #70
I enjoyed Fallout 3 because I get go out and explore a large map. Explore into buildings, pick up items, and do the best to survive. I think that I enjoy it the most because, all the items in the game stay in place. They do not move anywhere else, they stay where they were last affected at. Without that, I can feel any sense of realism, but unless there is a glitch and the items do not load properly.
Touche. Turn based games are overall the best.
You cannot disagree with me. I forbid it.

I'm still more excited for Borderlands 2 than anything announced at E3.

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