Black Ops Assassin

There is an invisible boundary between wanting to defeat enemies in a game and wanting to kill a certain race. I wonder why it's being blurred today.
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I didn't step over the line did I? I meant the Red-coats... although it is to late to say so.
It's like that kid who was playing an online shooter and said he wanted join the marines because he will get to shoot people. Hilarity ensued.
I actually want Vita's ACIII to kill British Red-Coats from that era...

Hate the game, not the player... Soldiers are mindless pawns on both sides, simply fighting to protect what's dear to them. Harbor hatred for the opposing leaders who warrant war, not those who bravely fight in war.

I don't think I can say that without sounding like a philosophical, condescending douchebag, so... yeah, sorry 'bout that lol.

/philosophy with 'Karp Mod
Hate the game, not the player... Soldiers are mindless pawns on both sides, simply fighting to protect what's dear to them. Harbor hatred for the opposing leaders who warrant war, not those who bravely fight in war.

I don't think I can say that without sounding like a philosophical, condescending douchebag, so... yeah, sorry 'bout that lol.

/philosophy with 'Karp Mod
Goverments have always been corrupt in a way. We're all supposedly equal in a democratic country when in reality it works like a computers Heirarchy system with servers. We're the tools at the bottom and the "gold" at the top which we believe to be is the goverment, controlling what we practically do in every day life.

Yeah totally equal...
... Direct your hatred to the men who start war and create the need itself for people to enlist in the army, not the people who enlist.

Unless they're terrorist. Then just hate 'em all.
Oh, objection.

By killing Redcoats, he was reffering to killing the oppressors. These soldiers are representatives of the oppressive British government at the time. America defeated England by defeating the Redcoats.

Another thing, you seem to misunderstand "Hate the player, not the game". In this case, "the men who start war and create the need itself for people to enlist in the army" are the players. The game would be the war itself. A game of chess, I prefer to see it as. A very wicked one.
These soldiers are representatives of the oppressive British government at the time. America defeated England by defeating the Redcoats.

Representatives that must be slain all the same obviously, but that doesn't mean one should direct hatred towards them in such acts. That was my point.

Another thing, you seem to misunderstand "Hate the player, not the game". In this case, "the men who start war and create the need itself for people to enlist in the army" are the players. The game would be the war itself.

Or, you could consider the pawns of war as the players who have been enlisted by the game's existence itself. It's not a misunderstanding, it's me twisting the saying to an ends of defining my point. Though the way you put it certainly is more applicable.
Representatives that must be slain all the same obviously, but that doesn't mean one should direct hatred towards them in such acts. That was my point.

Well, I never went into the people who must be slain territory.

SSBfreakCK said:
Or, you could consider the pawns of war as the players who have been enlisted by the game's existence itself. It's not a misunderstanding, it's me twisting the saying to an ends of defining my point. Though the way you put it certainly is more applicable.

I don't recall bringing pawns of war into this. However, the players of the war are the mastermind's, while pawns are self explanatory.
As for somethin' on topic...


oh mah gawdddd i want it now! Though, the free running seems very stream lined. It's not like it was ever very difficult, but I sincerely hope it's not just holding High Profile + Run and the free runnin' engine just figures somethin' out 99% of the time.

Either way, minimal complaint is minimal. ACIII is lookin' to be revolutionary (pun intended hurr hurr) for the series.
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