Black Ops Assassin

Did you see the E3 trailer of DmC? I thought it was pretty awesome.

My friends don't play RDR. They play Modern Warfare. My alone time games of choice are fighting games. There is no room for RDR.

I thought you were dissing old Dante 'n being sarcastic. That's what I'm used to hearing for DMC "5". :lol:

My friends don't play RDR. They play Modern Warfare. My alone time games of choice are fighting games. There is no room for RDR.

RDR multiplayer with randoms is moar fun than CoD with friends. Not to mention the 70 hour single player in comparison to CoD's linear, storyless, nothing-more-than-eye-candy handful of hours. If even that much.

Lol. Who plays through CoDs story expecting something good?

If I want to play a game with story, I'll play some Final Fantasy XIII.
Or I'll just replay TWEWY

I doubt that's possible. I can hardly stand shooters when I'm by myself. Winning by yourself is no fun ;_;
Eh... Well, whatever. I can't exactly argue with that.

Red Dead is still a damn-well fantastic experience; not just a game; within the single player. Far moreso than FFXIII, I'm 99% sure.

That 1% is simply because I haven't played XIII... >_>;

If I want to play a game with story, I'll play some Final Fantasy XIII.
Or I'll just buy RDR

Fixed with the assumption you have a rational and sane mind.
It's a western game. That alone is plenty reason to play it. I would if I had a 6 year old hd console.
If I want to play a game with story, I'll play some Final Fantasy XIII.
My god..... are we even thinking about the same game? XIII had the worst story in the series, excluding the mmo's.
Let's not forget that someone will always enjoy a game, J. Someone crazy 'n tasteless enough is out there who somehow managed to enjoy Superman 64. There'l people (besides the millions of CoD kiddies) that think CoD's story is more than eye candy and is actually quality.

I ain't siding with either of ya's arguments since I've yet to play the game, but... yeah. Point being, there will always be fans for everythin'.
You certainly have the right to like it. The problem is, as CK said with the superman 64 analogy, that it puts your eh.... understanding of a great story and integrity as an RPG gamer into question.
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I actually want Vita's ACIII to kill British Red-Coats from that era... irony being, I am an American with the blood of all three parties being discussed; French, British, (Along with Irish, German, and italy). All this being based on my family history that my brother has pointed out (Who has a Masters Degree in History).
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