U.S. Wii fans who have been coveting the black Wii consoles that have been available in Europe since November 2009 are about to have their patience rewarded, and then some, as Nintendo has today announced that the black Wii console, plus matching Wii Nunchuk and Wii Remote, will be available in the U.S. from May 9th, as part of a brand new bundle which will also now include Wii Sports Resort and Wii MotionPlus, as well as the original Wii Sports, all for the same price as the current Wii Sports-only bundle ($199.99). Gamers can choose either the white or black console bundles.
Here’s Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime talking about the new package:
“Nintendo leads the way in delivering rich motion-control gaming experiences at an accessible price point. By including even more of our top-quality hardware and software in the basic Wii system package, we’re extending that commitment to entertain and value. Now more than ever, consumers can count on Nintendo to deliver inclusive fun and advanced motion controls at a mass market price.”