Hot on the heels, or wheels, of the announcement of the black Mario Kart bundle for Europe, Nintendo UK has today announced that Europe will also be getting a new and exclusive Wii Fit Plus bundle, featuring a black Wii console, a black Wii Balance board, Wii Fit Plus software and Wii Sports.
Wii Fit Plus provides a fun work-out solution for both body and mind, all from the comfort of your own living room. It’s jam packed with over 60 activities including fun games which help to improve your balance, numerous strength training exercises, and yoga-based activities.
The Wii Balance board is a vital part not just of Wii Fit Plus but also of the many other Wii games that it’s compatible with. It has built-in sensors measuring weight and detecting shifts in balance, both from side to side and front to back, making it extremely responsive to your every move. You’ll have a lot of fun turning it into a skateboard or snowboard or even a bicycle during the course of the game.
And of course, the golden oldie ever-popular Wii Sports is also included, offering up lots of fun sports such as golf, tennis and boxing.
The bundle will hit the shelves in Europe on December 3, for an RRP of £199.99.