Black History Month

Well it depends, if this is a survey conducted among the world than Asians would be included with whites because Asians do make up a huge population of the world which would mean they are not minorities


As you can see half the eastern (or western, which ever way you look at it) are asians. So when speaking on a global front, Asians and Whites are the majorities while Blacks and Hispanics would be the minority.

Now if you are speaking in terms of the US then I blame it on ignrance because Asians, Hispanics and Blacks are all minorities.
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  • #32
It's in terms of the US.

And it's mostly when dealing with financial issues.

It's like the opposite of calling women minorites. They're actually a majority, but discrimination classes them as a minority.

Asians get classed with whites, because somehow they make just as much money. And they don't have their own month.

Coincidence? I think not.
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  • #35
You're arguing Black History Month exists because black people earn less money?

Wow, you people need to learn to read sarcasm.

And you have it backwards; black people earn less money because they spend months reminding themselves about it instead of working their asses off.

I assumed it was more because Blacks had like almost two centuries more worth of history in the US than Asians did, and because slavery gets a lot of attention these days as being the baddest of the bad, but whatever.
It's in terms of the US.

And it's mostly when dealing with financial issues.

It's like the opposite of calling women minorites. They're actually a majority, but discrimination classes them as a minority.

Asians get classed with whites, because somehow they make just as much money. And they don't have their own month.

Coincidence? I think not.

You're right it's not a coincidence, it's called ignorance.

If a survey is asking to categorize Majority and Minority by RACE then Asians would be part of the minority (in the US).

Now if they were asked to categorize them by economic standings, then Asians would be part of the higher class.

But since you say it's a survey about race then I blame ignorance.

But just incase you didn't realize ignorance simply means not knowing. So I blame it on people who took the survey did not know. Just like if you took a survey 2 years ago asking who the Secretary of State was and everyone said Dick Cheney does that make it true? No, it's called ignorance

Everyone knows that when it comes to simple facts that people are usually ignorant. Hell you could have asked me who Donald Rumsfeld was and all I could have told you was he is some government guy because I didn't learn until recently that he was the Secretary of Defense because nothing in politics interested me, therefore when it came to politics I was ignorant.

So just remember, Surveys mean ****, because last I heard WoW players are all athletic and have a huge social life, atleast that's what some "survey" said.
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  • #39
I assumed it was more because Blacks had like almost two centuries more worth of history in the US than Asians did, and because slavery gets a lot of attention these days as being the baddest of the bad, but whatever.

If it's the length, there were plenty of white indentured servants here before they important Africans.

Why can't we have a humanity month or something? Where important people in general get remembered?

And to those saying that we don't learn about black history...that's all we spoke about.
Eh, I know, but I don't think anyone here wants to have a month reflecting on the achievements, or lack thereof, of the scum of England.
I assumed it was more because Blacks had like almost two centuries more worth of history in the US than Asians did, and because slavery gets a lot of attention these days as being the baddest of the bad, but whatever.

Black History Month is a remembrance of important people and events in the history of the African diaspora. It is celebrated annually in most countries worldwide in the month of February, while in the UK it is held in the month of October.

Yeah, but not just America.

It should die out, but it was once needed.
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  • #42
You're right it's not a coincidence, it's called ignorance.

If a survey is asking to categorize Majority and Minority by RACE then Asians would be part of the minority (in the US).

Now if they were asked to categorize them by economic standings, then Asians would be part of the higher class.

But since you say it's a survey about race then I blame ignorance.

But just incase you didn't realize ignorance simply means not knowing. So I blame it on people who took the survey did not know. Just like if you took a survey 2 years ago asking who the Secretary of State was and everyone said Dick Cheney does that make it true? No, it's called ignorance

Everyone knows that when it comes to simple facts that people are usually ignorant. Hell you could have asked me who Donald Rumsfeld was and all I could have told you was he is some government guy because I didn't learn until recently that he was the Secretary of Defense because nothing in politics interested me, therefore when it came to politics I was ignorant.

So just remember, Surveys mean ****, because last I heard WoW players are all athletic and have a huge social life, atleast that's what some "survey" said.

Survey doesn't mean "Do you think Asians make more money than Blacks"

It means "What race are you and how much money do you make?"
Why not just remember who invented the important things like cars and televisions and not worry about what colour they were? Oh right, because they were all white.

With that, I'll leave this disgusting thread.
Wow, now you... you are more than just ignorant you are stupid... A Survey is whatever you want it to be...

You know what though, can't say im surprised because looking at your avatar you are just a adolescent kid who knows nothing and that goes for whether you are the boy or the girl in that pic.

You should probably give yourself atleast another 5-8 years then re-open this thread because it's obvious you are intellectually incapable of having a true argument aside from random blabber in hopes of sounding correct.

I'm just a stupid minority Hispanic who grew up in the south where the test scores are amongst some of the lowest in the US and yet I am by far more intelligent than you.

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