Bizzare Body Parts

surfinrach90 said:
Ooo that sounds painful Liger =/

believe me, its worse second time round!:yesnod:

i had both toes done at the same time, but they only removed the bad bits first time round. once it was infected again they took a more drastic action. i'll have to take a pic sometime soon.

edit: this might show some of the damage. picture taken a few months ago.


the toenail that is on its side ( right) is the worst one. the other isnt too bad.
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I don't think it's very noticable, but one of my ears looks like it's missing a bit around the edge.. Someone once said it looked like something took a bite out of it :S But I never really noticed it, even less so now that I have long hair which covers my ears, but that'd probably be my little quirk :p

Oh I guess there's one more... Apparently I had a hernia when I was a kid, so that explains this weird scar underneath my uh... thing.
its a little graphic, seriously dont look if your eating or about to eat. or if your squeamish...

My penis is extremley large. i mean, 27 inches is nothing small, sometimes its a pain, espeacially when im in a small room. It comes in handy for bungee jumping however. Please, dont spread it around...

Warrior said:
its a little graphic, seriously dont look if your eating or about to eat. or if your squeamish...

My penis is extremley large. i mean, 27 inches is nothing small, sometimes its a pain, espeacially when im in a small room. It comes in handy for bungee jumping however. Please, dont spread it around...


You aren't alone...friend...
Let's see I have a double jointed thumb. It's pretty cool click it outta place and click it back.

Oh and also this may sound a little strange but I don't have a belly button. Birth defect. It's strange I know. I don't know how to describe what it looks like though. It's kinda like a big scar.
bubba-ga-nush said:
Let's see I have a double jointed thumb. It's pretty cool click it outta place and click it back.

Oh and also this may sound a little strange but I don't have a belly button. Birth defect. It's strange I know. I don't know how to describe what it looks like though. It's kinda like a big scar.

Kyle XY?!?!?!
Not really bizzare body part but i can make my bottom lip vibrate back and forth to make a really funny noise, and i can crack my neck which makes a really loud crack, slightly disturbing
i seem pretty healthy adn flexible(i'm actually pretty flexible with otehr parts of my body)

but i lost the ability to sit cross-legged

that and my fists's width is equal to the width of my wrists
You're thread is creepy. Those cows are sick... Nice find.
Wen i was born my left pinkie toe was over my ring toe XD it reverted aboot 3 years ago, also my man boobs are too high on my body, and my belly button is to close to my hips.

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