Bizzare Body Parts

Wow. Rach...that's incredibly similar to me. When I was 9, I was at a roller skating rink, and half of my body was on the skating rink (my legs) while the other was off on the elevated "resting" area (my upper body) because I had fallen down. So this kid comes speeding in roller blades and runs over my shins ( f***ing hurt). So I get back up, and as i'm just about to step out of the rink, my skates slip out from under me and I hit my shins on the elevated platform...that hurt me for months. Possibly years, I can't even remember now. Ironically, doctors and coaches have told me that I have incredibly strong legs for a 14 year old and even though i'm not stronger than some of my friends (upper body) that are 16 and 18, I actually have stronger legs. LMAO.

How similar are our stories? :pPP
Got punched in the jaw a few years ago. and now thats outta line. it's not noticable but it means my teeth are out of line and i can click my jaw in and out at will. freaks people out.

it's not unsual for peoples toes (espically females) to curl because of shoes.
I think I am normal but do have some intresting features, I will inspect later:lol:

Btw tyly, I am currently trying to build up my legs and arms, mainly calfs and thighs:lol:
Abnormally large penis. (lmao sorry, couldnt resist)
I can involuntarily slow/speed my heart rate. (blacked out once)
Missing tooth
Was playin Gran Tourismo 4 and was getting my ass kicked. So I got pissed and punched the tv screen. I broke my pinky on my right hand and it healed kinda wrong. In 2 peices. (broke 3 controllers and threw my PS2 out the window because of that game...)
←←←Has anger issues
Tails McCloud~ said:
Abnormally large penis. (lmao sorry, couldnt resist)
I can involuntarily slow/speed my heart rate. (blacked out once)
Missing tooth
Was playin Gran Tourismo 4 and was getting my ass kicked. So I got pissed and punched the tv screen. I broke my pinky on my right hand and it healed kinda wrong. In 2 peices. (broke 3 controllers and threw my PS2 out the window because of that game...)
←←←Has anger issues

The heart rate thing would be kinda scary to have, I would be worried about it for some reason and overreact about it to much.

Gran turismo 4, god dam that game is hard, one's you get the car's that look like F1 cars then you'll be fine, but the game is really annoying, I nearly broke a controller and thats about it.
Family Guy referance ↑↑↑
Cpt.McCloud said:
The heart rate thing would be kinda scary to have, I would be worried about it for some reason and overreact about it to much.
Yeah, but as long as I dont do it too much, its no big deal.

sorry for dp jill
Oh and im partially deff in one ear and colorblind to light colors (tan, light green, creamy colors all show up grey-ish to me)
Um....not really anything wrong, but I have Palmaris Longus. :/ Pretty weird/cool. Nothing really noticable though.
my head is inproportional to my body/neck. i have a small head :yesnod:
and im ridiculously skinny (one of my other friends call me a post-holocaust jew). i have trouble gaining weight.

^^ im cool like that ^^
You may not live very long then, (I know I wont, so I can say that)

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