BestBuy 11-26-06, Anyone confirm?

j0rd4n said:
Hey man, do you have a copy of yesterday's paper? Check the BB ad. If you read the fine print, it says every store is guaranteed to have at least 12. At least, that's how it was for every paper in a 100 mile radius that had a BB ad (and there are at least 10 Best Buy's within 50 miles of me). Maybe it's a regional thing, but I thought that was everywhere... it's hard for me to believe that they didn't get any in, since most stores not only had some, but have had them since Thursday or Friday.

I know my Best Buy ad said that they would have a minimum of 12 Wiis. I called later and they said they had 42.
My Best Buy in Worcester, MA had 51 yesterday morning, they sold out between 9 and 10AM.
About the post up top about getting a best buy. I also talked to one of the BB guys when I was there to buy my wireless router so i could hook up the wii and he said they were not allowed to buy one at all on first shipment. They would have to go to another store and wait if they wanted one. They actually said if you buy one, your fired, no questions asked. So all the guys were asking me how I liked the PS3 and the Wii cause they didnt have it. I said damn guys you shoulda gone to Target across the street! I said they had 39 in day one and only 30 people were in line as of opening! Guess they didnt want it bad enough, I went and bought 2 wiis that night:) hehe 2 diff lines!
you guys think bestbuy or gamestop or any other store will be selling the wii on December 3(sunday). I'd love to camp out or whatever. I wasn't able to buy a wii before because I didn't have the money.
Prelude said:
wow killer fights up north for these things! When they hit day one down here, you could walk in BB up to 2 hours after the opening and still buy one cause they had 158 in stock that day for release.

I work for UPS and I know many of the UPS drivers get there early every morning to see if any of the stops were getting them, they would check for the Wiis and the PS3s. The BB here wouldnt even put them out till they had like 20 in stock and decided to release 20 on Black Friday instead of putting them out as soon as the got them. However Target was cool and let the driver get ahold of an PS3 when he first got there to deliver. Crazy seeing you all fight over them and there isnt near the wait down here.

Good luck

Here up north where we can get chilly winters, there isn't anything else to do during the winter so a Wii is a must.
alocubano1110 said:
you guys think bestbuy or gamestop or any other store will be selling the wii on December 3(sunday). I'd love to camp out or whatever. I wasn't able to buy a wii before because I didn't have the money.

Yes, try giving a local BB a call and asking when their next shipment could come in. GameStop/EB is saying they should be having regular shipments with Wii's coming every now and then (they get shipments on Mondays and Wednesdays). Nintendo's target was 1 million (maybe 2) Wii's sold in North America by Dec1, so I wouldn't expect this shortage to last too much longer.
I hate calling places because all they say is they have no idea and sometime before yea that's fantastic. I know the only way to get one is to go every single day whenever you possibly can to any store you can think of, and being at college without a car it's very difficult to do that.

My philosophy is if they have some in stock when you call, they'll be gone by the time you get there.

This is just really difficult, i havent tried to get a system since N64
umm, best buy got some... i can confirm w/ anyone in California if need be. looking at other districts take too long ><
alocubano1110 said:
you guys think bestbuy or gamestop or any other store will be selling the wii on December 3(sunday). I'd love to camp out or whatever. I wasn't able to buy a wii before because I didn't have the money.
hey just check the add because they wont tell you(best buy). The add will probably come out dec.2. all i know is im going to my best buy at 6 a.M on dec. 3rd. Ill be sitting in my lawnchair...:sleep:
Prelude said:
About the post up top about getting a best buy. I also talked to one of the BB guys when I was there to buy my wireless router so i could hook up the wii and he said they were not allowed to buy one at all on first shipment. They would have to go to another store and wait if they wanted one. They actually said if you buy one, your fired, no questions asked.

The new policy states that they allowed employee purchases on launch day, so I feel for the employees at that store. That's no fun.

alocubano1110 said:
you guys think bestbuy or gamestop or any other store will be selling the wii on December 3(sunday). I'd love to camp out or whatever. I wasn't able to buy a wii before because I didn't have the money.

Go to, click on store locator, type in your zip code, and PM me the store number of the Best Buy you shop at. I'll check their stock for you on Saturday(letting you know how many will be available on Sunday). I'd check before Saturday, but I have chemo all this week.

intekmdma said:
umm, best buy got some... i can confirm w/ anyone in California if need be. looking at other districts take too long ><

Agreed. Although it is fun; 5pm on launch day showed around 100 Wiis stilll left in the Minnesota area. And I'm loving the username. At least it confirms there are other stores full of ravers and stoners.
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Kryptenx said:
The new policy states that they allowed employee purchases on launch day, so I feel for the employees at that store. That's no fun.

Go to, click on store locator, type in your zip code, and PM me the store number of the Best Buy you shop at. I'll check their stock for you on Saturday(letting you know how many will be available on Sunday). I'd check before Saturday, but I have chemo all this week.

Im sorry but wat do you mean PM best buy store number is 858.
Kryptenx said:
The new policy states that they allowed employee purchases on launch day, so I feel for the employees at that store. That's no fun.

Go to, click on store locator, type in your zip code, and PM me the store number of the Best Buy you shop at. I'll check their stock for you on Saturday(letting you know how many will be available on Sunday). I'd check before Saturday, but I have chemo all this week.

Agreed. Although it is fun; 5pm on launch day showed around 100 Wiis stilll left in the Minnesota area. And I'm loving the username. At least it confirms there are other stores full of ravers and stoners.

I'm sorry but it wont let me pm you for some reason my store number is 504.
I waited out at 4:00pm on the 25th, I was first in line and got the first one.
Little did I know people only started camping out at about 2:00 am. So I waited 18 hours for nothing, I mean, I got my wii (YAY!!!:D ) but I couldve waited 8 hours before I had to camp out. Oh well, it sucks, but it was soooo worth it.
I love my wii!!!
mattalways247 said:
I waited out at 4:00pm on the 25th, I was first in line and got the first one.
Little did I know people only started camping out at about 2:00 am. So I waited 18 hours for nothing, I mean, I got my wii (YAY!!!:D ) but I couldve waited 8 hours before I had to camp out. Oh well, it sucks, but it was soooo worth it.
I love my wii!!!
4 pm? were people looking at you weird asking what you were doing?:shocked:
Kryptenx said:
The new policy states that they allowed employee purchases on launch day, so I feel for the employees at that store. That's no fun.

Go to, click on store locator, type in your zip code, and PM me the store number of the Best Buy you shop at. I'll check their stock for you on Saturday(letting you know how many will be available on Sunday). I'd check before Saturday, but I have chemo all this week.

Agreed. Although it is fun; 5pm on launch day showed around 100 Wiis stilll left in the Minnesota area. And I'm loving the username. At least it confirms there are other stores full of ravers and stoners.

thanks, i suppose you work @ a best buy as well? store #? this name... brings back memories, made it back when i was 15, about 7 years ago. clean as a bee now! just keeping it for old time sake

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