BestBuy 11-26-06, Anyone confirm?

They had 30 in Rochester Hills.

I got in line too late and missed a voucher. My husband stuck around just in case and saw the 30 people get their Wiis. He checked on controllers, none.
My dad was at bestbuy this morning buying some stuff for our new TV and returning some cables that we didn't need, he didn't know that HDMI was all he needed for the surround sound lol. Said there was a ton of people there, said there was probably over 100, looks like I might not be able to get a Wii for christmas....
Weebs said:
My dad was at bestbuy this morning buying some stuff for our new TV and returning some cables that we didn't need, he didn't know that HDMI was all he needed for the surround sound lol. Said there was a ton of people there, said there was probably over 100, looks like I might not be able to get a Wii for christmas....

ur dad probably bought one today but wanted to throw you off his scent. Relax man.
wow killer fights up north for these things! When they hit day one down here, you could walk in BB up to 2 hours after the opening and still buy one cause they had 158 in stock that day for release.

I work for UPS and I know many of the UPS drivers get there early every morning to see if any of the stops were getting them, they would check for the Wiis and the PS3s. The BB here wouldnt even put them out till they had like 20 in stock and decided to release 20 on Black Friday instead of putting them out as soon as the got them. However Target was cool and let the driver get ahold of an PS3 when he first got there to deliver. Crazy seeing you all fight over them and there isnt near the wait down here.

Good luck
First BB I went to - had already handed out tickets - about 15-20 people in line. Drove to another one down the road about 15 minutes away. Got there about 8:15 - waited 'til 9:45 they came out and stated they had 42 (another girl in the line said they had 46 according to her "inside" source.. hmmmm..)

Anyway - I was around 20th in line. Had Zelda as well (couldn't find it at all yesterday).

NO Accessories tho' - evidently that's going to be really hard to find.
jsgiv said:
they came out and stated they had 42 (another girl in the line said they had 46 according to her "inside" source.. hmmmm..)
They probably had 46 on order and only got 42. If you're thinking employees got them you're wrong. There is a new rule of no employee Wii/PS3 purchases whatsoever, on/off the clock, with/without discount. Punishment? Termination. Even if your family buys one.

Good thing I got mine on launch.
Kryptenx said:
They probably had 46 on order and only got 42. If you're thinking employees got them you're wrong. There is a new rule of no employee Wii/PS3 purchases whatsoever, on/off the clock, with/without discount. Punishment? Termination. Even if your family buys one.

Good thing I got mine on launch.

:) - As it should be.

I remember *many* stories of EB employees etc. taking advantage of their "employment benefits" with the release of the N64, PS2, and even XBox/360. And yes - I knew some of them.. they hooked me up :D
Personally, if I worked at BB or GS or any other place with a rule against buying a Wii, I would risk my job for it. The Wii is better than a job at BB.
jsgiv said:
:) - As it should be.

I remember *many* stories of EB employees etc. taking advantage of their "employment benefits" with the release of the N64, PS2, and even XBox/360. And yes - I knew some of them.. they hooked me up :D
As it shouldn't be though. The policy before was fine: we had to be off the clock, not in uniform, and wait in line exactly like everything else. "Employees are customers when not on the clock" was a phrase I remember from the original policy, but the new one is rediculous.

Chunk said:
Personally, if I worked at BB or GS or any other place with a rule against buying a Wii, I would risk my job for it. The Wii is better than a job at BB.
Not true in any sense, unless you still live at home. A toy will never be better than a job.
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thestingerman said:
Yeah I'm in rochester and the best buy didn't get any like you said.

Hey man, do you have a copy of yesterday's paper? Check the BB ad. If you read the fine print, it says every store is guaranteed to have at least 12. At least, that's how it was for every paper in a 100 mile radius that had a BB ad (and there are at least 10 Best Buy's within 50 miles of me). Maybe it's a regional thing, but I thought that was everywhere... it's hard for me to believe that they didn't get any in, since most stores not only had some, but have had them since Thursday or Friday.

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